Cute Is What We Aim For

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Apparently, the teachers thought it would be a great idea to

coordinate all the seating charts with the ones in Potions. Wonderful, now every class I have (excluding Care Of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies) I have to sit with Remus bloody Lupin. What an….

“Miss Owls?” Professor McGonagall interrupted my mental rant.

“Yes, Professor?”

“Would you care to enlighten the class on your reasons for ignoring the class?”

“Sorry Professor I just wasn’t thinking about-” I hastened to justify my lack of attention.

“Well, perhaps you ought to pay attention in your interested in passing this year, Miss Owls.” She gave me a pointed look before announcing the worst news of my life. “You will be working on a project for the rest of the year, with your partner seated next to you. You will decide on a broad topic and write an essay over its attributes, including-” By this time I was grimacing and saw Lupin exchange snide smiles with Black and Potter. Why me?

Remus’s POV

First she was humming. Then popping her gum. Then tapping her foot.

Gritting my teeth I snarled, “Can you just be bloody quiet?” It didn’t miff her in the slightest. Nothing ever did. Then again, perhaps that was fair, because nothing she ever said bothered me, just made me curious. I don’t mean to brag, but my friends and I are pretty well liked and I just wonder what makes her think differently. Not that I care what she thinks.

“Of course I could.” She states, giving me a firm look. Her eyes are really blue. Like extremely blue- I shook my head. Where had those thoughts come from? “What about the human to furniture spells?’ I asked. We had been in the library for two hours, trying to decide on a topic for our project. It had been a week and a day since McGonagall had set the project and we had yet to agree on our topic.

“Actually, I was thinking Animangus’s would be best. it’s a broad subject and easy for certain stupid people to understand.” She says, and I mentally swore. She was right of course, it was one of the best topics, because there was so much information to cover. I didn’t care about her remark, almost everything she said was accompanied by one. I returned the favor almost immediately saying, “Says the blonde?” Ignoring her pointed glare, I spoke again, “Although I agree. It should be a good topic. So we agree then on Animangus’s?”

She gave a swift nod and began shoving her books into her bag, and I followed suit. I gave great care to not look at her body as she bent to retrieve her fallen books. What? I’m a hormonal teenage boy, not to mention I’m a bloody werewolf. That’s the only reason I’d look. Nothing else.

Addie’s POV

I walked out of the library, and felt my heart drop when I realize I’d have to walk beside Lupin to get to the common room. I decided to take a detour, instead of walking in awkward slience next to him. I was about to turn to the right, when a hand caught my arm.

Lupin was attached to the arm that grabbed me. I was in shock that he had touched me, that I didn’t hear him speaking.” I need to talk to about something. Walk with me?”

Okay, okay I admit it I was a little curious so I followed him. Yeah, yeah curiosity killed the cat, but I’m not a cat am I? I replied with a “sure.”, and was relived when he dropped his hand from my arm” We walked in silence for a few moments before he said, “So I was wondering about your- uh cousins.” It sounded like a question to me and I was confused. Why did he want to talk to me of all people about Kate and Bailey?

‘What about them?”

“Well, I was just wondering if-” The rest of his speech was cut off when I heard a creak and suddenly found myself covered in what appeared to be a mixture of honey, maple syrup, and worms. Oh, dead worms. “Well, that’s just lovely.” I muttered, then I heard the laughter of Lupin, who seemed to be trying hard not to laugh so loudly as to wake up all of Hogwarts and half of bloody London!

I was so angry, to angry to think straight. I didn’t really care about being doused in odd substances, but the fact that he had the gall to do it was what annoyed me mad. That and the fact that he was just laughing his arse off in front of me. “I don’t like you.” I began perfectly calm, so calm that he fell silence, but he still had tears in his eyes. “So you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to buy you a kitten. And I’m going to wait until you fall in love with that kitten. Then I’m going to come to your dorm in the middle of the night and…punch you in the face!” I finished, before turning away and storming down the corridor, leaving a sticky trail behind me. It wasn’t my comeback, but it was acceptable, right?

The next morning, I had to carry all my books for all my classes, since someone completely ruined my bag. I still smell like syrup. Oh well, at least the marauders have only pushed/tripped my a total of four times. Ouch! Make that five. Stupid Black just knocked me down, and my entire notebook of my essays flew into the courtyard I had been passing through. They were scattering in the wind and my books-all of my textbooks and my three books I was reading for enjoyment fell everywhere. I sighed and suddenly a shadow fell in front of me.

“Need some help?” A boy asked, helping me to pick up my essays. I recognized him immediately as Drew Williams, chaser of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and in my year.

I was stunned that he was speaking to me, that I almost forgot to reply. “Um, yeah thanks, I’m uh Addi-”

“Addie Owls. I know.” His face reddened. “I mean er we’re in the same year and all. I’m Drew Williams.”

“Nice to meet you.” I replied politely to him. See? I can be polite.

“Its no problem. Really.” He replied to my raised eyebrow. He grinned at me. “Come on; let’s get to class.” He picked up books, and ignoring my protests I might add, walked with me Muggle Studies. He laid my books on my desk and smiled at me with a “see you around” thrown over his shoulder as he walked away. I smiled at him and sat and listened to Professor Modisett talk about a project that we would complete over the semester until the end of Christmas break. Apparently, we would write a letters back and forth to an individual person, whom we wouldn’t meet until the New Year’s dance. Even the professor didn’t know who are partners were. He just gave us special parchment to write our letters on. That would deliver themselves automatically to someone with no other partner. He handed the paper out and told us to begin. Dipping my quill in ink, I began to write….

My Not-So Cinderella Story *A Remus Lupin Love Story* *Currently On Hold*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora