Why Are Fire Trucks Red?

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Well, I don’t know what to say. You think of something.



Well, ask a random question. Maybe it’ll spark some conversation.


Our conversations always started like this when we were bored. We knew almost everything about each other, excluding, you know, our names, looks and houses. I knew his favorite fruit was a pear, he hated prejudices of any kind, he can hardly stand his friends sometimes, and he loved logic. He wanted things to make sense.

So what do I do? I annoy the heck out of him by being un-logical, spelling things wrong, or just being stupid. Its rather amusing.


Fine. Why are fire trucks red?



So drivers can easily see them on the road?



Nope. I’ll tell you why. Fire trucks have four wheels. They can hold eight men. Eight plus four is twelve. There are twelve inches in a ruler. Queen Elizabeth was a ruler. There was a ship called the Queen Elizabeth. That ship sailed the seas. There are fish in seas. Fish have fins. People from Finland are called fins, Finland and Russia had a war long ago. Russia has red on its flag. That’s why fire trucks are red. Cause they’re always russian’ around.


P.S. I gotta go…Talk to ya later!!

That would make him mad.The few spelling mistakes alone will annoy the crap at him.

Then, I stood up and walked out of my dorm, grabbing my bag and making my way to the library to meet Lupin. The annoying twat. Or twit. Or whatever. I slumped in my seat across from him, who was looking unusually cheerful despite his pale face. We worked in silence fro about a half an hour until…

“What do you mean we aren’t going to talk about unregistered animangi?” I exclaimed when he skipped the part in a book I had found.

“It could encourage our classmates that becoming animangi outside of the ministry is okay.” He said exasperatedly.

“Its going to be conspicuous that we didn’t include it!” I argued.

“Wow, conspicuous! That’s a big word. Do you need to lay down?” He asked. “Besides, Professor McGonagell may get angry with us if we talk about it in a positive light!” He added, copying me by standing up.

I threw my hands up in the air. “Sometimes you have to take a chance! A risk! You are a Gryffindor aren’t you?”

“You really think I should take a chance?”

I sighed loudly. “Yes! That’s exactly what I’m talking ab-” I was cut off when he stepped closer to me and kissed me.

My mind was going through several thought processes:

(a) How dare he kiss me! I’m going to cut off his bollocks and…

(b) Why am I not pushing him away? Push him away, you idiot!..

(c ) But it is a rather nice kiss. And I don’t necessarily want him to move away…

(d) Shut up unconscious mind! This is Remus Lupin, the guy you hate with a burning passion…

(e) Who happens to be a rather good kisser…

And so on and I just stood there letting him kiss me, thinking and becoming more confused. He seemed to notice I wasn’t kissing him back and he pulled away.

“Umm, what the hell was that?” I questioned, dumbfounded.

“You mean you were talking about the report? Just the report?” He asked, his eyes wide.

“Yeah.” I confirmed.


I still don’t know why I did it. I just walked up to him and took hold of his tie and kind of yanked his lips onto mine. We kissed for a minute and the pulled away at the same moment.

“Er- maybe we should clarify what kind of happened.” Lupin stated, looking at me.

“Yeah.” I agreed.

Then we kissed again.


It must be the full moon, which is tomorrow. I was filled with lust and that’s why I kissed her. After the last kiss we both kind of just left. And now I’m lying down, still trying to understand why I want to kiss her again so badly.


I decided that dating another girl should get my mind off Owls. It was just full moon and besides, we aren’t even on first-name base with one another.

So I began dating her cousin, Bailey. She’s pretty, I guess, but her voice is annoyingly high-pitched and she looks like a raccoon.

We walked into breakfast that morning, holding hands and smiling. I found my eyes rolling down the tables looking for Owls. I mentally slapped myself and leaned down to kiss Bailey on the cheek.


I was freaking out. Badly. Why did I kiss him? Three times? And why did I enjoy it? I pushed my plate of chocolate and peanut butter pancakes away, then pulled them back.

I mean really, I may be sad, but who can reject pancakes?

Then I looked up and saw him.

Holding hands with her.

Okay, maybe I should be more specific.

Remus Lupin, who snogged me in the library three nights ago, holding hands with Bailey Jones, my effing cousin.

I’m either going to kill someone.

Or burst in tears.

And I have no idea why it hurt so much when he leaned to kiss her on the cheek as they sat down. I jumped up and ran out in the hall and ducked behind a tapestry. I leaned back, tasting tears on my lips as they fell down my face. I still didn’t understand.

I hate Remus Lupin.

So why does it hurt so much?

My Not-So Cinderella Story *A Remus Lupin Love Story* *Currently On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now