Sixth grade star

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    Bea POV 

  I wake up early in the morning to get ready for school. I get dressed in a pink layered tank top with white shorts. My hair is down to my elbows. I go down stairs and my mom and dad are at work so I make scramble eggs. Caleb comes down and puts the scramble eggs in a cup and walks out the door. I finish mine and jog to join Caleb. "What class are you in" I ask him. "Ms. Matthews" "Oh I have Ms. Wu" I say. Toby comes up to us. "Hi Toby" I say. "Toby" he repeats. I nod. "Okay Bea"he says. I smile at him. "Am I missing something" Caleb asks eyeing us. I push him into the street lamp pole and laugh. Toby laughs to and takes my hand. I lace my fingers with his.   

When we get to school Caleb takes me aside. "Be careful don't get in trouble if you need me call me but not in class I love you" he says and kisses my forehead. "Love you too" I say as I walk off.

   I walk up to Cristina and hug her. We have been friends since kindergarten. "Hey Beatrice" she says and hugs me back. "Its Bea now I've missed you" I say back. "Oh and this is my friend Toby"I say and point to him. "Hey I'm Cristina" and hugs him. He hesitates. "She's a hugger" I explain. He smiles and nods.

     At lunch I sit with Toby and 2 other boys. "Hey Bea this is Zeke and Uriah" "Hi I'm Bea"I say and sit down.

     Toby POV

   Right before I was going to lunch 2 boys came up to me. "Hey was that Beatrice Prior you were talking to" the taller one says. "Yeah we're neighbors" I say confused. "Well I heard she got offered a movie deal and I'm Uriah and that's Zeke". said the shorter one. "I'll talk to her about it wanna sit with me at lunch" "Sure" they said together. "Bea is pretty cute" says Uriah. Does he like her. Zeke nods.

   Bea sits down. While I introduce them. Later Cristina comes by and sits next to Tris. Tris phone starts to ring its ready or not but in a phone ringing way. "Hello eating yes whatever OK bye" "Who was that" Cristina asks. "Nosey much my brother" Bea replies. "So um I was offered to do an American girl doll movie" Bea stutters. "Well great we're all happy for you" I say. "You'll be a sixth grade star" Cristina says.

Toby and Bea growing upWhere stories live. Discover now