The job

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  I have been watching a lot of dance shows with Cristina. I love it. She says she can bring me to her dance studio and give me a little class. I can't wait.


  I haven't seen Tris since she came back. And that was a week ago. I decide to call her.

      T-Hey Tobias

      4- Hey do you want to do something

      T- um I kinda busy maybe tomorrow

      4-oh okay see you tomorrow

I'm a little sad she can't hang out today. I start to walk around the block when someone jumps on my back. Instinctively I flip him over. He groans. Its Uriah. Then I hear Zeke laughing. "Oh sorry" I say. "Pansycake" Uriah mumbles. "Where's Tris" Zeke asks while helping out Uriah. "I don't know really".

   "Well let's make this a guys night out"

  says Zeke. "Don't fall for it Four he wants you to babysit our little cousin" Uriah yells. "I don't care I'll help" I respond. He leads us to his house. His mom is there running around with a little baby in her arms. "Good you guys are here. I have to leave for work watch over Lily" Mrs.Pedrad says and leaves. Zeke who is holding Lily plops down on the couch and groans. "I hate babysitting".

   My phone starts ringing. Its Tris. "Hey Tris" I says. "Hey I heard your babysitting" she laughs. "Yeah we could use some help".

   She laughs again. "I'm in my way with Crissy".  

  A few minutes later Tris and Cristina come thought the door. "Oh my gosh that is the cutest baby I've ever seen" Tris says. They run over to Lily pushing Uriah over. "Do you guys have any clean clothes for Lily" Cristina asks. "I think we do" Zeke says. "Where". He shrugs. They sit with the baby laughing and 'awing'. "What did you do to the baby" Cristina yells at us. "What we didn't you anything to that little devil" Uriah defends. "Why does the poor little baby look sad then" Tris says in a baby voice.  "Aw I think it misses its mommy"Cristina says in the same baby voice. Tris takes the baby out of her playpen and sits on the couch next to me. "Do you want to try" she asks. "No I'm good" I says quickly. She smiles and rocks it to sleep. "You're pretty good with kids" I complement. "I know" she says.

   "You know I think my little brother likes you" I say. Its true I always see him looking out the window when Tris walks with her brother. "Haha that's cute. Tell him he's not my type" she says. "But I think I'm going to do a babysitting job. Do you want to do it with me. I already have Cristina on board" she pleads. "Well" I drag out. "Please" she gives me puppy dog eyes. "Fine" I give in. "Yay" she kisses my cheek and puts Lily back and leaves with Cristina. I can't get the thought that she kissed my cheek. She is so caring and brave.

Toby and Bea growing upDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora