Sir Kibble/Adventurer! Reader .: Huh? Who Are You?:.

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(Art from ask-keeby)

"just, a little m-more" you panted, trying heavily to regain focus from the tight fog that surrounded the thin layer of atmosphere around you. Attempting to do so many things at once by getting up, looking around, stretch, and yell for your friend, you only succeeded two. You pulled your strength to come up before coughing up a raspy call to alert your fellow party members.

"M-Meta Knight! Dede! Ki...rb!"

you choked, only successfully taking a few steps before weakly sitting down to think clearly. What..happened.. you recall being seen by a small knight, who wore yellow before your sight trembled in advanced before waking to see everyone gone from your presence.


"poy! Poyo poy!"

a worried red limb danced in your eyes before you fell to the ground to only hear close...footsteps?



your eyes lifted before your head did so as well. "h-huh?"

"over here, ma'dam/sir"

Peering down, you noticed a small enemy, a Sir Kibble! Except he was drenched in colorful...paint?

"hum," he waved away your look to dismiss it, going back to tabbing a cloth on some ointment before putting it on an exposed Clemson patch on your skin.

"a-ah!" you squeaked, instantly picking yourself away

"ay, ay, your friends are resting, best you take a breath and accept your aftermath, ma'dam/sir"

you clenched your blanket before pausing. Looking across you realized the lightly lit room you were only seconds away from cheering to see the four of your friends appearing patched up in their own singular futon.

gasping happily for a while, you canceled that to wonder why they were damaged, and who attacked you from before..? It was a flash of yellow..was it..

"Ahm, excuse me... Sir Kibble, ri-"

"Indeed, the 346th one on this planet. Goodness, why must we all have the same name" he trailed, tapping more lightly on your skin this time. "I mean- yes, what is it?"

"this is, sudden, but, were you the one that may have something to do with me and my friends before we I..y'know, passed out and lost them?"

he stopped before putting the white cloth he held by his left. " I'll say this, young one, an event occurred while you crossed the territory of our land, so we had to put out your presence, for we felt you were a threat. Along with separating your friends for inspection of any terrorist intentions"

"Oh, gosh, we would never!"

"mhm, but it was my job, so I apologize if I had paralyzed you in any way, ma'dam/sir" he gave a sympathetic yet pity little pat on your arm before taking a breath out" you are now healed. Along with your friends," he continued, as he began to bandage your arm.

"You can leave when you like, our team would not have trouble assisting yours"

he stated, before placing his hands by his side, allowing his small body to relax

"oh, of course. When they awaken, I surely will, h-heh. Thank you, Sir Kibble. and, what's with the paint?"

"hm? oh, your ally over there attacked us by sucking up some supplies of ours before blinding most of my army with toxic paint"

"o-oh..oh dear"

"but not to worry, we'll forgive his actions," we snickered, taking a sip of green tea beside him.

"N-Ngh, what's goin' on here-" you heard a low growl originate from the king himself, sitting up on his bed

"o-oh, they may awaken earlier than I imagined-" you began before the knight said "what? what do you mean, ma'dam?"

you looked towards him "because, I wanted to thank you with this" you picked his surprisingly light character, lifting a bit of his visor to peck what was under the armor

you placed him down, before he grabbed his armor quickly, covering it

"ma'dam/s-sir- I-I!!" he flew his face into a gang of pillow behind him "a-ahh!!"

you smiled at this flustered little knight before chuckling to yourself

what a nice little knight~

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