Gryll/Warlock! Reader .:Hit a Block, Baby!:.

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art from: Silvia-art

"so, another game next week?" A steampunk-dressed wizard questioned, putting all the finished puzzle pieces in its proper box as his eyes glazed over the other magic-wielding male

"indeed, I think I'd declare my favorite activity for your next chance. It was an interesting game." he trailed his exhausted eyes around the table to see everything that was in the area for another peak before he left: noticing the mug of coffee and small pastries plastered on an acute plate that Magolor had prepared him before the game

"oh, I forgot those where there, heh," the warlock chuckled as he tiredly grabbed a bitten jelly pastry from perhaps half an hour ago

"thank you once again for these delights, you genuinely make some delicious treats! It was a nice night, Magolor, I wish to see you again next week for my newest installment of a homemade jigsaw puzzle"

his wizard friend chuckled delightfully, putting the fitting box in a small drawer before putting his hands formally behind his back "of course, thank you, ___ for stopping by"

"sure thing, Magolor, see you later! good luck with your- power orbs?"

"heheh, yes, I will. night, now. Don't forget your spells for next Wednesday you have to practice!"

The warlock closed the door behind him and out of the flying ship, already flying out of the sky like a swooping bird as his uniform aggressively moved back. He summoned his staff to his hand. With ease, he quickly called to float, his wish submitting to his demand. soon he was safely on the ground in minutes as gravity assisted him, rolling his shoulders as he flew out a small sigh in content. he was tired, not only was the puzzle for a few hours to complete, but he took 3 weeks making it as well. As he walked down the grassy meadow of nowhere, he trailed his thoughts up.

He didn't only like the idea of puzzles, he trained himself even as a child to make them. not many appreciated his special talent for crafting unique and special boards for the game, but from their unique figure, many assumed he was being a child. Though, in the future, he was glad to have kept that hobby, making a few friends that closely matched his impish attitude, sneaky behavior, and quiet deminer, but were very limited. Yet the smaller amount, the easier to keep track of. Before he could leave out an exhale, he felt something. Of course, if the existence of this vague thing wanted his attention, it would have to catch it right under his magical hand

he whistled, obviously posing as a person who didn't know what was coming to them, before giggling trapped his ears in an instance. He raised his hand slowly but stopped before it had even a 90-degree angle.


"haha, got your hat!"

what the-

he was instantly stunned by the quickness, did he blank and miss his chance? he knew something would fly to him, but did he not think ahead?

He dismissed the idea, now knowing the unwanted voice told him of his now missing hat

He patted his head quickly, sighing with annoyance. Now realizing it, the voice sounded like a girl's. Gosh, one could only expect, that and she sounds like a trickster, great. another one of those.

Oh well, hey, the night is still at its early phase before noon, perhaps he could play around about with the hat thief

he had his staff in possession, thinking heavily of who could have gotten it. once he felt someone close in thought, he teleported to that area they were in. great, he saw the hat! and oh, much better than he realized that there was tall grass and the hat-stealer was as well stationary. this would be a grand payback for ____

making small steps, he attempted to avoid as best he could any sounds from any areas that would enable it

"hehehehe, looking for this, wizard-guy?"

you now saw more clearly, it was a small witch with a puff of hair and colorful shoes, a striped hat, and of course, a broom to keep in place

"oh- indeed, could I request that be returned, ahm.."



she was sitting on her broom with her legs dangling as she gave her look a bit cocky yet joyful "a nice name, but have you heard something nicer?" she whipped out a block from the air in the right second "star stacking. pretty catchy, if I do say so myself~"

"Oh, is that perhaps..." he closely examined it, what could one make besides fake empires with blocks?

"it reminds me of something, I swear. I'm certain I played it when I was young, surely"

she paused, rolling her eyes

"ya match the right blocks together and the more matched the more points. if your space is filled all the way to the top with blocks, you'reeeeee out~!"

she cheered, pumping her fist in the air with enthusiasm

"oh! I remember! well, what about it? sounds like a fun puzzle game, I personally prefer my own game of jigsaw"

"huh?" the light pink block in her hand lowered as her arm did as well, shocked "h-how is any other puzzle game better than Star stacker?! it's addicting, colorful, challenging, and gets better every time you play it! with jigsaw, all you do is match pictures with other pictures. Please, explain to me the fun it that"

she spat, sounding distasteful as if she had to explain the elaborate insides of a roach.

the hat the small witch carried was now on the floor, forgotten as both appeared slightly salty at each other's likings

they fought and explained which passion was better, both neutral in the end without a win

"fine, we'll prove which is better, oh and,"

she looked down "you'll get your weird hat back, too!"

the male growled "I knew I should have had one already attached to my clothing like the others"


later on, they both actually had fun without realizing it. they shared jokes but at the same time were bitter under them, offending the other party. It was so late that the loud laughs originating off of them could send even the smallest breeze away for a more quiet place to stray into

soon, as the warlock centered his concentration more into Gryll's game, she wondered about his. Soon, they played together until the sun rose over the dry horizon.

"you're not too bad! We have to play together sometime, you really are good, I gotta tell you!"

she giggled, almost falling off her broom as her new friend took a few chuckles as well.

"Yeah, oh- is it already early morning?"

quickly he didn't realize his mind forced him to become drowsy, yawning

"Oh, it seems so. hey, want me to lend you a hand home? we-"

a quiet snore stopped her as she looked down at him, before giving off a tired smile herself, looking up

"right, wouldn't hurt to stay here awhile"

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