Part 1

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I guess hearing sobs coming from somewhere was intriguing especially since Sibuna were the only ones who knew about the tunnels. As Fabian, Nina, Alfie, Patricia and Amber were leaving the tunnels they all heard a loud sound like someone was crying. Amber whispered does anyone else hear that. Everyone nodded and Nina said its just the tunnels. Everyone was unsure but all left and said goodbye to each other before heading off to bed.

All the Sibuna members had the exact same dream. They were in the attic when Sarah Frobisher - Smyth appeared. She said as the boy is hurt his cries can be heard by all those who care. That boy will always be there for everyone and if you cause him pain his sobs will haunt you until he forgives you.

They all wake up at the same time. The next morning Amber talks to Alfie about her weird dream and he confesses he had the exact same dream and soon all Sibuna member know the all had exactly the same dream. Nina calls a meeting and they all rush up to Nina and Ambers room.

They sit on the ground in a circle and begin to discuss the dream. Nina says so who is this boy. Amber says well it's definitely not Fabian or Alfie because they both had the dream. Alfie then says would it be someone from Anubis. They all look at each other woundering. That would only leave Eddie and Jerome Fabian says. Patricia says most definitely not Eddie. Nina gives her a look and Patricia says well I was kind of rude to him the other day and we both called each other rude names then I pushed him and he bruised his ankle.

Fabian says So It can't be Eddie because Patricia hurt him and she was also told that she could only hear the cries because she was near him. Amber says so it must be Jerome. Nina says so do any of you care for any of the other boys at school. They all shouted out names but didn't all have one the same so everyone agreed it must be Jerome. They all rushed off to school.

As the Anubis residents entered the house they were ushered into the lounge room by Victor who looked very angry. He screamed a very important item has gone missing from my safe I will be checking all of your bags and coats. If the item is not recovered I will be checking your rooms. The residents all stood in a line but one person was missing. Mara spoke up and said where's Eddie. Victor said, Edison has gone out with family and will be returning later tonight. As Victor collected all the bags and coats he informed them they were to stay in the lounge room. He checked their pockets and then went to check their rooms. Trudy began making dinner in the kitchen whilst watching them.

Hours later when Victor was near completing his search Eddie stumbled through the door. He grabbed onto the stairs rail. All of the students eyes were on him. Victor hearing the commotion came out and saw Eddie gripping the rail. Victor yelled Mr Miller I'm in the middle of conducting a search as some items of mine have gone missing. Eddie said how can I be of service. Victor screamed your coat and bag now. Eddie gladly handed over his bag but kept on his coat. Victor screamed boy give me the coat. Eddie held his ground and said sorry no can do Vic. Victor screeched my office now.

Eddie slowly walked upstairs and into Victors room. Victor hissed at everyone and told them to stay put. He went straight up to his room. He slammed the door closed and yelled hand it over Edison. Eddie said what exactly. Victor yelled you know what I'm talking about. Eddie shook his head and said no I don't. Victor said comply or I will be forced to call your father. Eddie said No please don't I will give you my coat as long as you close the blinds. Victor closed the blinds and Eddie took off his jacket. He handed it to Victor and his item was not in it. He then said now Eddie why make such a fuss if you don't have the item. Eddie was about to speak when Victor looked up and just stared at Eddie.

Eddies white school shirt was covered with red splashes. Victor told Eddie to stay put and then went downstairs and into the lounge room. He shouted everyone rooms now. Once everyone had scurried off to their rooms he grabbed the box from under the sink which held the first aid kit. He went back upstairs and opened the door to his room. Eddie was sitting in a chair. Victor locked his door and opened the box.

He told Eddie to stand and remove his shirt. As he took off his shirt Victor was able to see all the cuts, bruises and scars that lined Eddies body. Victor did what he could even if he wasn't able to do much. Once he was done Eddie put his shirt back on and Victor handed him his coat. He put on his coat and thanked Victor. Just as Eddie went to leave he turned around and said don't tell my father. Victor said I must. Eddie shook his head and pleaded with Victor not to tell his Faather. Victor finally gave in and said he wouldn't tell Eddies father on one condition he tells him why. Eddie looked and said he did it to me.

Eddie opened the door and left before Victor could respond. Victor just sat in his chair thinking about what just happened.

Sibuna saw Eddie come downstairs and go into his room. They all looked at each other and said its time. Eddie came back out after he had changed out of his bloodied school clothes and hid them in his closet. He ran out of the house just as Sibuna were going down into the cellar. Patricia said you go without me and ran after Eddie.

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