Part 10

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Eddie cried into Victors shoulder. He was supposed to love and care for me but no he has to go and hurt me. By now Eddie was full on sobbing and Victor was trying to comfort him as best as possible. Eddie stopped crying and Victor said you should probably have a shower and wash all that blood off. Victor helped Eddie to his room. Eddie got some jeans a shirt and then his leather Jacket. Victor helped him to the bathroom gave him a bandage and then left to go and pack up the mess from yesterday.

He packed up the first aid kit and chucked out the bloodied cloths. He grabbed out a spare bandage for Eddie to put around his leg if he needed it. He fixed up all the furniture to where it was before.

School finished for the day and the students got back to Anubis house to find Mr Sweet and Victor having a go at each other in Victors office. The students crept inside and went upstairs and into the hallway leading to the girls bedrooms. Jerome and Patricia watched and listened as Mr Sweet and Victor continued fighting.

Victor yelled you hurt your own son why would you even do that. Mr Sweet yelled back his my son I can do as I please with him. Victor yelled Eric you nearly killed that boy. Mr Sweet then said he's my son not yours Victor. Victor then said and you don't deserve him. Mr sweet yelled what I do with him is none of your consern. Victor then sneered you hurt him again and I will come for you Eric. Mr Sweet left stomping out of the house and slamming the door behind him.

Luckily for Eddie the only two that heard were Jerome and Patricia although that didn't matter as they already knew. Victor came out and said how much did you hear. Patricia said Just enough for us to hear how you stood up for Eddie and risked everything. Amber ran in and asked if the could have a party to make Eddie feel better. What Victor said next shocked everyone he said that's a great idea.

Everyone went to set up the party whilst Patricia went to see Eddie. She got to his door and heard a light sobbing sound just like the one she'd heard in the tunnels with Sibuna. She slowly opened the door to reveal Eddie sitting on his bed with his knees to his chest and his face in his hands. He sat their crying oblivious to the fact she was standing there. Patricia went over to him and hugged him. He lifted his head up to see who it was and said you probably think I'm a wimp now right. Patricia saw his tear stained face and replied no I don't you just going through a rough patch. She asked what's wrong. Eddie frowned and said I asked my mum if I could come back and live with her but she said didn't want to see my face again and that I was my fathers problem now. Patricia was hurt that he wanted to leave but completely understood.

He started sobbing again and Patricia put her arms around him and said were your family now so you can't leave anyways. They stayed like that until Eddie stopped crying and said thanks.Yacker I needed some cheering up. She smirked anytime weasel. Fabian came in and said whispered to Patricia where ready. Fabian left again and Patricia blindfolded Eddie and said trust me. Patricia tried tying a blindfold around Eddies head but it was digging into his cut and causing him pain so she covered his eyes with her hands instead.

They walked out into the lounge room and Patricia uncovered Eddies eyes. There was the rest of the Anubis residents standing there with balloons. Patricia said we thought you could use a party. Eddie instantly smiled and yelled let's crank up the music. On the table and in the kitchen were all types of food so of course that's were Alfie was standing. Everyone was dancing and having a good time. Everyone was treating Eddie normally but still made sure not to hurt him. Jerome went to get some food and Eddie followed as he needed to talk to him.

When they were both alone in the kitchen Eddie said Thanks. Jerome asked what for. Eddie replied helping me even though you didn't have to. Jerome said let my friend bleed out onto the couch I don't think so. They both laughed and Jerome said now let's go enjoy this party.

There was a lot of dancing, eating and photos being taken. Photos were still taken even though Eddies face was all bruised and has a cut. Eddie had said himself lets take photos because this is what I'll want to remember, all my friends being here for me.

After being on his feet and dancing for nearly an hour Eddie sat down. Fabian joined him and asked why didn't you tell anyone you were being abused by your father we could have stopped him. Eddie frowned and said I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me, if someone got hurt I would always blame myself and wouldn't be able to live with what I had done. Fabian said we are always willing to help.

The party was practically over. Everyone had stopped partying and it was nearly ten o'clock. All the students were heading back to their rooms. The clock struck ten and Victor was there on time dropping his pin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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