Part 3

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As everyone started arriving home from school they were met with Victor who announced someone has been in the cellar, you all know it is out of bounds and if I catch anyone down their they will be seriously punished. Victor then walked back upstairs.

Sibuna decided they were ready to pass the next task. They all headed down to the tunnels. When they got their they all heard the sound of faint sobs in the distance. Nina turned to the others and asked do you guys hear that to which they all nodded. Amber said why do we always hear it when we're down here. Soon the sobbing ended. The continued with the task and Fabian, Alfie and Nina all placed the mini spiders on their hooks. A door opened and Nina ran through but the door closed after her.

She screamed and yelled get me out of here. Fabian tried placing the big spider on the door. Once he got it to fit in the door opened. Nina went and hugged Fabian. They all looked around to see many chemicals scattered over the room and a weird thing in the middle. The called it a day and left the tunnels.

Eddie was sitting in Victors office whilst Victor bandaged up his leg where his father had cut it earlier. It had only just stopped bleeding and it had been cut hours earlier. Eddie had badly tied it up earlier and slowed the bleeding down a little bit. As Victor tightly bandaged up the cut he asked when Eddies father,started hurting him. Eddie said he hurt me once last week, and two times this week but that was it.

Eddie has never liked his father and this made him resent him even more. Victor was acting nice to Eddie and after yesterday Eddie sort of trusted him. Eddie was unable to stop the bleeding and knew he needed help so he went to Victor. Victor quickly stopped the bleeding and had now finished bandaging up Eddies leg.

Eddie thanked Victor and left getting out of Victors way. Victor packed up the first aid supplies and put them under his desk knowing he would need them again soon. Eddie headed downstairs and Jerome asked what he was doing in Victors office. Eddie responded with doing jobs for him because of what I did yesterday. Jerome nodded and went back to staring at the photo which he had uploaded to his laptop.

Eddie asked what he was doing and he just said homework as he didn't trust Eddie very much and didn't want to show him the photo. He walked out and ran into Fabian. Fabian was smart and could probably work it out. He took Fabian into his room and showed him the photo. Fabian asked him what it was and Jerome told him he found it in Sweets office. Fabian said it was probably paint but looked unsure himself. He sent the photo to Fabian so he could determine what it was.

Victor shouted its 10 o'clock you have 5 minuets to get to bed and then I want to hear a pin drop. Everyone turned their lights off and went to sleep.

The next day Mr Sweet had them for history as their teacher was somewhere else. Patricia and Eddie decided it would be a great time to prank Mr Sweet. Patricia spilled her water bottle so Mr Sweet would slip over when he walked. Then Eddie removed the chair leg and placed it up against the chair so when Mr Sweet sat down he would fall off. How Mr Sweet noticed none of this was a miracle.

Mr Sweet was walking toward his desk when he slipped over. He stood up and screamed who was that. Patricia raised her hand and said that was me. He then went to sit down and his chair broke with him landing on the ground. He yelled was that you again Patricia, Eddie put his hand up and said no that was me. Mr Sweet then said Patricia you must write down 100 times not to tamper with the floor.

Mr Sweet gave Eddie no punishment though he knew he would get one later. Patricia turned to Eddie and said its easy being the bad boy when the teachers your best friend. Eddie turned to Patricia and said he is not.

Patricia filled Eddies locker with dog treats. When Eddie arrived he opened his locker and the all feel out. Eddie asked what are these. Patricia smirked and replied dog treat you know how you the teachers pet. Eddie rolled his eyes and said me and Sweetie are not friends.

Later Mr Sweet pulled Eddie into his room and Eddie tried to leave but Mr Sweet held him back. Mr Sweet chucked him on the floor and said I will make you pay for the little stunt you pulled earlier. He went to get his knife but Eddie jumped up and left the room. Leaving Sweetie behind furious.

Everyone watched as Eddie ran out of Sweeties office than out of the school. Needless to say everyone was confused.

As the day ended and the Anubis residents arrived home and went to their rooms Patricia began looking for Eddie. Patricia was running all around the house and asking everyone if they'd seen Eddie but no one had seen him since he ran off earlier at school. Patricia did the unthinkable went and asked Victor if he had seen him.

Victor was concerned and asked when she had last seen him. Patricia told him the story then left him alone. Victor got a call and answered it it was Mr Sweet. He said I can't find Edison have you seen him. Victor said back No and did you think maybe he couldn't take your shit anymore and left. Mr Sweet screamed that boy told you why can't he keep his mouth shut. Victor said back actually I found out when I confiscated his coat. Mr Sweet said anyways if your no help I will continue looking myself. Victor hung up and grabbed his coat from behind his chair.

Edison Millerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें