Part 4

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As Victor walked downstairs he found all the Anubis residents eating dinner. He said still no sign of Mr Miller. Everyone was telling him how they were all worried about Eddie. Victor sighed and announced I'm going to look for him. Everyone at the table was shocked as Victor never showed any signs of caring for anyone in the house before.

As Victor left they all looked at each other and no one spoke until Mara said Victor cares but it came out more like a question. They all started for a few seconds until Jerome said well that was weird. Everyone got up and went to their rooms or into the lounge room.

Patricia was worried about Eddie so she texted him and asked where he is. She got anxious as there was no reply but after 5 minuets her phone began buzzing. She picked it up forgetting to check the caller id. She said hi and a voice she knew was Eddie said hey yacker. She practically screamed where the hell are you Victor looking for you. Patricia heard Eddie swear and then say I'm hiding from someone promise you won't bring anyone with you. Patricia said yes I won't tell a soul. Eddie said come to the Frobisher library I will meet you there and if you see Victor tell him I'm okay. Eddie then hung up and Patricia ran out of her room and went downstairs.

There was no one in the lounge room so she just snuck out without being seen. She kept checking to make sure no one was following her and went to the library. She tried to open the door for the library but it was locked so she just knocked instead. Eddie snuck up beside her and tapped her shoulder. She freaked out and punched him. They both began laughing as Eddie picked the lock.

Patricia in the rush forgot a torch and Eddie didn't have one either so the could just make out each other silhouettes but not actually see each other properly. They entered and Eddie locked the door behind him. Patricia jokingly said your your not going to murder me are you. Eddie said maybe maybe not and they both cracked up laughing. They sat down on the steps as their were no chairs anywhere.

Patricia asked so why are we here. Eddie said cause I told you to come. Patricia rolled her eyes and said why couldn't you come back to the house. Eddie said oh that I ran away. Patricia asked why, from who. Eddie sighed and said its a secret. Patricia said I thought you trusted me. Eddie said its not that I don't trust you I just don't want you to think of me differently. Patricia said I won't I promise that weasel.

Eddie lifted up his pants leg and unwrapped the bandage. He rummaged through his pockets and pulled something out then handed it to Patricia. It was a torch so she turned it on and pointed it at him. She looked at him and then was about to ask something when she spotted his leg. There was a long cut that went down 3 quarters of his calf. Patricia gasped and nearly dropped the torch.

She asked what happened. He sighs and says my father did this to me. Patricia shocked says did it happen recently. He nods and says yesterday. Patricia asks I thought he was in America. Eddie sees Patricia is obviously confused so he gives an explanation. I lived in the US with my mum. My dad is British and the reason I came here, he left me when i was really young. Patricia nods slowly understanding says whose your father. Eddie says now that stays a secret. Patricia says it has to be a teacher. She starts listing teachers he keeps saying I wish to them all and then she says its Sweetie I know it is.

Eddie doesn't respond and so she says I knew it. Patricia then says come on you have to tell someone. Eddie shakes his head and says not happening plus Victor already knows. She jokingly says you told Victor before me I'm hurt. Eddie says no didn't tell him he found out. Patricia asks how. Eddie then says remember how he was checking everyone's coats. Patricia finishes and you wouldn't give him yours. Eddie continues and says well when I was in his office he made me take it off. I took it off and my shirt was covered in blood from my dad cutting me. Patricia says so that's why you wouldn't take it off. She then says show me them.

Eddie takes off his jacket and shirt exposing his cuts. She looked at them and said when did he do these. Eddie said some two days ago and some 9 days ago. Eddie picked his shirt back up and put it on. He then put his coat on. As they walked towards the door Eddie said you won't tell anyone will you. Patricia replied of course not weasel. They exited and locked the library behind them.

As they were walking back they spotted Victor. Eddie remembered how Patricia told him Victor was looking for him. Eddie said I'll meet you back at the house yacker and ran towards Victor. Patricia watched as Eddie got up to Victor. Victor embraced him in a tight hug and Patricia thought to herself Victor should be Eddies dad instead of Sweetie.

Edison MillerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang