Part 5

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Eddie and Victor came home once everybody else was asleep. Patricia woke up and got ready for the day before heading downstairs. She noticed everyone apart from Jerome and Fabian at the table. Joy then asked her where she was last night and she responded with seeing Eddie. They began asking her question and she said I can't tell sorry and please don't ask Eddie he will tell you if he wants to.

She sat down and the conversation soon turned back into the normal topics and arguments. Fabian and Jerome soon walked in and sat down in their normal places. While everyone was eating Eddie snuck out without being seen and left for school. When everyone was finished eating breakfast they began leaving for school.

Jerome and Fabian got to school and headed straight for the art room. They found all the different shades of red paint and squirted them on a piece of paper. They took the paper with them and Fabian took a photo of it. They worked out that none of the colors matched what they had in the photo. The paint colors were either too bright or too dark. There was nothing that even closely resembled that of what was on the floor in Mr Sweets office. Jerome said it wouldn't be blood would it. Fabian said well that's our only idea at the moment isn't it. Jerome said yea it our last option.

Eddie got to school and went to his locker. He got his books out and placed them in his bag. He saw his father so he began weaving through students and then ran into an empty classroom. He hid under the teachers desk. Some students walked in and he looked out. It was Jerome and Alfie. He bumped his elbow against the desk making a loud bang. Jerome crouched down and looked under the desk then said what are you doing under the desk Eddie. Eddie said hiding of course.

Jerome then asked who from. Eddie said Patricia and Jerome laughed what did you do this time. Eddie said prank gone to far. They all laughed and Eddie was relieved they believed him. Jerome said got to go and ran out of the room. Alfie said well I better be going class starts soon. Eddie nodded and then left himself.

Fabian was researching for the latest task when Jerome ran up to him and jumped down next to him. Fabian shut his computer then said Hey. Jerome said what were you doing actually don't worry I've had a breakthrough. Fabian questioned about the picture. Jerome said yeah well Eddie has the exact same pattern on his shoe as the shoe print. Fabian said are you sure. Jerome nodded and said it looked pretty similar.

They devised a plan to make sure it was the same. They ran up to Eddie and Jerome said can we have your shoe for a second we are taking photos of shoes for Maras new piece in the newspaper. Eddie said yea I'll give it to you guys later I got to go now see you later. He walked away and Fabian said great plan Jerome.

They went to class. Once class ended Fabian grabbed Jerome and said I need to show you something. He gave Jerome his phone and said you were right. Jerome looked at the picture on Fabians phone and saw it was a picture of the bottom of Eddies shoe. It was exactly the same print as from Mr Sweets office.

They tried to come up with ways in which Eddies shoe print could have got on that side of the desk in some sort of liquid that dried before Jerome got there. The only idea the came up with was Eddie was bleeding and then went into Mr Sweets office to get a bandage or something.

At lunch Jerome ran back to the house to see if he could find anything to show that Eddie was in fact bleeding days earlier. Fabian was too busy with Sibuna stuff to come with Jerome. Jerome searched under his bed then looked in his wardrobe. Jerome found nothing and was about to give up he found something in the back of one of the draws. He pulled it out and it was Eddies school shirt but it was covered in blood. He then found another and pulled it out. Jerome took photos of them and then put them back where he got them from. They made it look like he had never been through his stuff.

As Jerome was walking back he knew that couldn't have been an accident as there were two shirts and they both were practically fully covered in blood. Eddie either got separately attacked or someone is repeatedly hurting him. Jerome ran back to school as he was late for science. When he got back he sat in his usual seat and just apologized to Mr Sweet who didn't really care and just told him to be on time next lesson.

The lesson was finally over and everyone ran out of the room as fast as they could. Jerome was still there finishing up writing and Eddie was talking with Mr Sweet. As Jerome was packing up he looked up to see and saw Mr Sweet talking to Eddie. After a few seconds Eddie took a step back and looked as if he was ready to run off if needed. Jerome saw what was happening and figured Eddie wanted to get back so Jerome on his way out grabbed Eddie and said lets go. Jerome pulled away a confused but thankful Eddie.

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