Zhou YanChen X Ding Zeren

345 12 0

Dui Zhang- Team leader
Ge- older brother
Jiaoyou- a way of saying good luck

Type :Fluff

Words: 648

"Yanchen-ge when are you going to rest? It's already 6am and we still have morning practice"

Ding Zeren, the centre of Nunchuncks stood by the door with his eyebrows furrowed watching his Dui Zhang practice repeatedly.

" I know but I have to get this perfect so I can teach it to the rest of the team anyway it's my duty to make sure the performance will go well"

He smiled to himself at how caring Zeren was and made sure to glance at his team mates disapproving gaze then swept to the other side of the room, ignoring his tiredness.

"Ge you have to sleep at least for at least a hour or two. Come on, if you don't follow me to the dorms then I'll going to get Xingjie-ge"

That stopped Yanchen to a halt, the scary huba was not one to mess with especially seeing him so tired lately.

"Alright, alright I'll come back with you but only to sleep for a hour, don't forget we need to perform our stage in less than 5 days."

With a small smirk on Zeren's face, the two walked back to the dorms where Zeren said goodbye before walking into his dorm.

Yanchen peeked in his dorm and to his surprise Xingjie was still awake sitting on the floor in the bathroom changing lyrics to his rap.

"Hub- Xingjie-ge? Why are still awake, you have early practice at 8"

"So do you, I'll go to sleep in a bit, you get some rest" Xingjie said with a pointed gaze.


Zhou Yanchen dragged his body to his bed after doing his night routine and found himself thinking about Zeren and his kind demeanor before falling asleep.

The day before the big performance

Zeren glanced at his leader, ever since he made Yanchen sleep for a bit, he hadn't slept in preparation for the big day.

"Alright guys, we're up next to practice on stage, make sure you warm up and recall the moves. We're trying to make this practice perfect as possible."

The team huddled together to walm up with the exception of Zeren who was still glancing at Yanchen worriedly.

His face looks pale, I wonder if he's sick. I should get someone to check him ou-

Zeren's thoughts were interrupted when Yanchen called out,

"Come on guys, Jiayou "

The practice was going great until Zeren heard a thud and saw Yanchen on the ground.

He practically sprinted over to his side and swore loudly. "Yanchen-ge"

He was about to climb on the ambulance but decided against it and let the Grammerie (Xiao Gui and Xingjie) go,

Zeren had a responsibility to look after the other team mates especially Bangbang who was in a state thinking it was all his fault.


A few hours later, Yanchen came back looking tired and was being supported by Xingjie.

"Yanchen-ge how are you?"

"I'm alright, I'm going rest for a hour or so and then I'll be fine. How's the team?"

He quickly changed the topic and waited for the response.

"They're fine, Bangbang was a bit upset but I made sure he was convinced it wasn't his fault"

Yanchen's face visibly relaxed and Xingjie said "Zeren can you see to it that Yanchen gets some rest. I have to go and practice but I'll visit in a bit"

He was more than happy to oblige and helped Yanchen on his bed.

"Do make sure you feel better" and with a daring step he kissed Yanchen on the cheek.

Zeren was about to step back when Yanchen said "You missed"


"I said you missed" grabbing Zeren by the shirt and crashed his lips on his.

Zeren was shookth before smiling into the kiss, "Get well, Yanchen"

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