Chen Siqi X Bu fan

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Longer than usual drabble
Type: Hurt/Comfort

Chen Siqi was practicing Shape of You alone in the practice room , a wave of disappointment crashed over him.

Why can't anyone realize the amount of effort I put into my team and no one gives the appreciation back.

Suddenly an announcement through the building.

"Please can all trainees report to the main hall"

He huffed and made his way over where the rest of the hardiness were standing outside the door of the hall.

He made his way forward and pushed the door open.

"Woah!" He ran forwards along with the others to see the sweet delights sitting on the table just waiting for someone to come along.

All thought rushed out of his head at the mouthwatering desserts, who needs anything when you are food anyway?

The trainees thanked Jieqiong and dug in to the deserts.

Chen Siqi grabbed a chocolate orange cupcake and made his way to his friend Zhu Yuntian who was standing next to Bu Fan who coincidentally was Siqi's crush.

Bu fan was hungrily eating his bun which looked cute to Siqi so when he asked him if he looked dirty, Siqi couldn't stop his mouth from saying,

"You're the cleanest in my heart"

Bu fan cringed at the phrase but smiled.

"If it were anyone else I would have hit them"

Chen Siqi let out the loudest laugh and then smiled.

"Only you would say that"

Ugh this one is terrible I'm sorry.

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