Lin Yanjun X You Zhangjing

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  "Hey Zhangjing what's on the menu? "  

" Wha- "


Oh my god


It was 6 o'clock in the morning and Zhangjing was woken by the sound of Yanjun singing in the shower,

it would have been a nice start to the day if Zhangjing woke up to the right side of the bed.

"Yanjun how long have you been in there"



"Oh about a hour and a bit"

"How long are you going to be?"

"Huh? Yes it's very warm in here"

Wha- Oh forget it


You Zhangjing walked across the hall to Nongnong's and Xiao Gui's room and let out a yawn before knocking on the door. 

"Zhangj-" Nongnong opened the door and stopped what he was saying to look at his messed up hair.

He covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing but couldn't help but let out a mini giggle.

"I know my hair's a mess, I couldn't sort it out because Yanjun's hogging up the bathroom again. Would you mind if I borrow yours?"

Nongnong looked over his shoulder where Xiao gui was still asleep, a tiny bit of drool was escaping from his mouth .

"Yeah sure, Xiao Gui won't be up for at least another hour or two."

" Thanks so much"


"Morning Zhangjing! How did you sleep"

Zhengting had already begun to make the group's breakfast, granted half of them were still asleep.

"I slept okay, but it was after waking up did I find out that someone was hogging up all the hot water in our bedroom !"

You Zhangjing turned around to find the culprit, listening in to the conversation while stiffing as much bread as he could in his mouth.

"Zhangjing" Yanjun moaned, "you know I like my hot showers."

Zhangjing gave a exasperated sign and grabbed the plates that Zhengting handed over to him.

"Tomorrow, I'm going in first "

"Alright but hey Zhangjing do you know what's on the menu for today?"




(When someone likes you, must you like him back? I'm the one you like, you cannot like others.)  

Yeah this one was bad. I'm sorry but I still liked the pick-up line.

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