Cai Xukun X Zhu Zhengting

303 5 2


Type: fluff/Angst


It takes two people for a  relationship.

It takes two people's effort for it to work.

But it only takes one person to break it off.

And it only takes one to fix it back again.

Zhu Zhengting was proud to say that he was the only person allowed on Xukun's bed and that made him feel special,

it made him feel loved and valued and Xukun espcially wanted Zhengting to feel those things.

Zhengting was his happiness that paved the flower road to his happiness; Xukun was his only love but why couldn't they commit to a relationship together?


"Wouldn't you rather put your lips on mine than PD's lip balm"

That got him a slap on the chest but he could see the hint of a smile on his face and brought a smile to his face that wouldn't wipe off.

It was supposed to last longer, the time Zhengting had with Xukun but the good things always have to come to a end at some point so when his manager at Yuehua came to tell him he would be debuting not with Xukun, but with Yuehua, was surprising to say the least.

Zhengting knew Xukun would always love him and always support him but any sane person would feel angry and betrayed.


Xukun loved Zhengting with all his heart, thinking Zhengting was only his and was sure Zhengting had loved him more than anyone he had ever loved, at least that was what he was trying his best to believe but why would Zhengting suddenly leave without telling him?

The next few months was spent as Nine percent but not as nine members but as six. Life seemed dull without his other half and the whole group could feel it.

The others tried to cheer him up with Xiao Gui making this weird a** rap and Chen linong giving Xukun the brightest smiles that could put the sun out of work, but Xukun remained emotionless as ever.

He didn't even let out a glimpse of a smile when Zhangjing ended up spilling yogurt all over Yanjun's brand new top,

with the others laughing in the background ( excluding nongnong who was trying to open his own yogurt ) and Yanjun's chasing Zhangjing around, Xukun only felt pain and sorrow.

 Empty moments were filled with Xukun practicing in the studio, composing new songs or browsing the internet for Zhengting.

Seeing him become a massive star, living a great life and living it without Xukun hurt him to the heart so when the postcard came with his phone number on it, Xukun refused to call him. 

That love existed only in past.
That was what Xukun refused to accept and refused to believe, he still loved Zhengting and only wished he felt the same but what he didn't know was that Zhengting felt the same way.

Thats what happens when you cut ties in the relationship.


Months later after no contact, one of them couldn't handle the pain anymore...

"I miss you"

This made me so emo and I cried after re-reading it. I'm such a emotional person istg

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