Photo of Landon above. ^^^

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(A/N) Hi hello welcome to my crappy story, there is horrible grammar I'm sorry about that. But anyways there's a lot of mature language and steamy scenes in here, yes also in this first chapter something happens. Any ways carry on read the story if you want.


There i was, kissing The Bad Boy. The most hot dangerous cool guy in the school, hell maybe even world. His name was Black, Landon Black. Every girl wanted him but i mean who wouldn't. I mean even guys wanted him. But maybe we should start from the beginning.

(Aarons POV)

I woke up, i groaned not wanting to start a new school year. But then i remembered that at school there were my best friend Sapphire. I brushed my hair. I got dressed and headed off to school.

It was just another day of school, I walked into class sat down and rested my head on my nice cold desk. The teacher started speaking ruining my relaxation "Alright class settle down, we had a student transfer to are classroom" the teacher spoke.

There he was. The schools bad boy was standing there before my eyes was one of the boys who thought Landon was hot, cause I was bisexual and I can admit when I see a guy with a nice ass and rock hard abs

The teacher told Landon to grab a seat, and of course I was lucky enough to have him sit right next to me.

(Landon's POV)
I walked down the hall way to my first class since I had to transfer classes for 'bad behaviour' god stabbing someone with a pencil isn't bad. I arrived at the class and walked in the teacher talked about me transferring classes and alll that.

She told be to go be seated and I seen a really hot guy who was relaxing his head on his desk and he had a free desk beside him, so I said why not. I took a seat and played on my phone glanceing at the cutie beside me. I seen him glance at me a few times to. So I 'accidentally dropped my pencil' He picked it up for me saying "oh you dropped your pencil here you go" I said "Thanks, by the way what's your name?" He smiled "Aaron." He said. "I'm Landon." I said "Of course how could I not know you, your the schools biggest bad boy" he said. I chuckled "good to know people around here know me" I said. "Your mostly known around here as "Hot stuff" or "The person who knocked Johnny's teeth out" he said with a smile. "Well what do you refer to me as?" He said with. cocky smirk on his face.

(Aaron's POV)
I stumbled forward falling off my chair in the process. I fell in to his lap near his dick. I layed there for a few seconds before he realized what happen i blacked out for a minute laying on Landon's lap my face right beside his dick after i realized what happened, i noticed my hand was touching something that felt kinda hard yet squishy. I looked over to see me holding Landon's erect dick. I immediately got up my skin has goose bumps all over as i blushed bright red apologizing profusely not realizing the entire class and the teacher were staring.

Aaron laughed yet he was blushing, "You didn't answer my question" Aaron said. "H-Hot s-s-stuff" I mumbled quietly trying to say it so he can't hear somehow that kid has super sonic hearing and heard me clearly. "That's good to know" Landon said as he winked at me. I ran out of the classroom red as a tomato I sprinted towards the bathroom to breathe and refresh myself with cool water but soon as I stepped in the bathroom

I seen my bully the one that had beat me up for years and year since kindergarten pretty much calling me faggot and fairy fag queer all of it people at my school are homophobic pricks, he looked over at me standing in the door way "Well well look at the fairy in the door way guess he's needs another 'lesson'." I back away and ran as fast as I could but had to stop cause I could barely breath cause I have asthma he caught up with me anyway tho

He immediately punched me in the throats yelling "fucking fag don't ever run from me again or you will die" he gave me a left body hook causing me to
Fall to the floor "aww faggot looks sad gonna cry?" He kicked me in the ribs I groaned in pain as I watch him hit the floor suddenly my eyes opened up only enough to see the one and only Landon Black standing there I immediately Black out cause I'm dramatic as hell

I woke up in the nurse office bruises all over me and out of the corner of my eye I see Landon sitting in a chair beside me talking to the nurse asking when I'll wake up. I groaned in pain shifting my body to a more comfy position they both looked at me and then the nurse said "I'll leave you to alone so you can talk." I closed my eyes from the painful sunlight coming from the windows "Close the fucking windows the sunlight is killing me" he rushed over to the windows closing them all then came back sitting next to me "I have a question for you" I said. "Ya sure ask away." He said "Why" I asked, "Why what?" He asked. "Why did you help me out back there I can handle myself." I said kinda annoyed. "Well I saw a cute boy and told myself I gotta go save him" he said with his deep voice, and his snake bites and his beautiful black hair and damn that eyebrow piercing is hot af "oof and that septum piercing is where it's at" I mumbled not realizing what I just said. "Oh really now?" He said in a sexy smooth tone winking at me knowing it'll get me all worked up I blush and said "uhh what did I say that out loud?" I swear to god dear lord help me I'm dead. He is hot as fuck tho I could lick those muscles all day. He got up and left the room leaving me there wondering where he had gone while I'm blushing like a tomato on crack.

1 hour time skip of him just sleeping
I woke up realizing I fell asleep again and to the sound of the door opening seeing Landon there standing there with Tim Hortions he got me a 20 timbits and a ice cap and himself the same "I don't really know what you like so I just got whatever sorry." He said sounding so hot and sweet. Man I'm to gay for my own good, "no it's alright I love Timbits and ice caps there pretty much what I live off of" he chuckled.

God damn everything about him is hot I mean even his laugh is hot! We drank are ice caps and ate are timbits and chatted, it's weird Landon the mysterious bad boy of the school never talks to anyone and is just a player he sleeps with a girl then drops them, never calls them again. "Man we should  go I spend the entire school day in the nurses office eating and chatting" I said "yeah let's go want a lift?" He said in a calm totally cool tone me on the other hand totally fangirling internally screaming and crying tearing of joy I responded to him with "Kay" why the hell did I have to say Kay he probably thinks I'm a idiot now. We got up and walked out of the school walking towards the parking lot into his nice as hell blue mustang with black design/detail on it I took a few minutes to appreciate the car for how amazing it is and then got in still amazed at how hot this car is "where do you live" he asked "only a mile away" I said "omg you walk a mile everyday to school" he said amazed. I chuckled "yeah sometimes it's tiering as hell" he speeded up a lot it was really fun then I realized we already made to my house I was kinda disappointed to be honest "see you tomorrow then Aaron" he said with a smile "bye bye" I said waving walking inside taking off my shoes and going right to my room to sleep and fantasize about me and Landon being a couple and other stuff that you don't need to know about you unholy Wattpad readers but what can I say I enjoy Wattpad to. I closed my eyes dreaming and fantasizeing about Landon and me until I finally fell asleep still all bruised up

A/N: Sorry if this chapter was weird it's my first story and I'll probably delete the story to be honest enjoy reading! It might take quite a bit for me to update

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