Chapter 3

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A/N Hello guys. There is a trigger warning, don't read this if you can't deal with abuse or self harm, cause i know when I read books with self harm I cry a bit, I also don't know what happens if you cut to deep besides hit a vain or artery, so. ALSO LANDONS SISTER IS PANSEXUAL, for all my pansexuals out there.

I woke up, body still aching from the
day I got beat up.

I did my morning routine and was about to go out the door then I froze.
I saw my parents got back from there business trip, I tried to run to school "Where the fuck does my fag son think he's going?" I froze in the middle of the driveway "Get the fuck back in the house" my dad told me. I walked back into the house anxious and fearful. I went to go clean up or else they would beat me.

I pushed myself even though my body still hurt like a son of a bitch. I felt someone stomp on my back, I coughed like there was no tomorrow, hell there probably was no tomorrow. "DO A FUCKING BETTER JOB AT CLEANING YOU LITTLE BITCH" my mom yelled.

The day went by slow my family beating me yelling at me calling me a fag and me cleaning the house spotless my body was covered in bruises and blood.

That night I took and shower, then I went to be bed dreading going to school tomorrow. I couldn't sleep I was crying so hard, I did the one thing that I could think of, I went under my bed and took out my wallet, I went into a small pocket, taking out a razor blade. I pulled up my sleeves and slid it smoothly and fast across my wrists and pretty much my entire forearm. I didn't once wince at the pain I felt something other then sadness it was my stress reliever. I rolled back down my white long sleeve staining it with blood. Then i fell asleep...

I woke up almost not able to move I didn't bother changing or showering or eating forgetting I had blood stained on my sleeves, I walked to school bored, I got there and went to class, it was my art class I had it with Landon, anyways I walked into class tired and bored. I sat down in the back taking a sketchbook out of my bag...

                                  (Landon's POV)
I was sitting with my friends and I glance over to see Aaron drawing, he raised his hand to ask the teacher something, and I see something under his arm... blood... scars... cuts.... and bruises, now these definitely aren't new bruises the ones from his bully's. would have been gone by now, and those cuts look fresh...

I need to talk to him at lunch.....

*^-^ Time skip to lunch ^-^*

I walk into the lunch room to see Aaron nowhere...

(Aaron's POV)
I walk out of class to see my bully "HEY FAGGOT". I run past him sprinting into the lunch room, I ran in falling on to someone... Landon. My head was in his crouch and his hand was on my right butt cheek slightly squeezing it
"Fuck why do I keep getting into these situations" I mumbled I got up then Landon got up my body hurt like a bitch.

"I need to talk to you" Landon said, he told me to come walk with him in the hallway, I followed him "so, where'd those bruises come from?" He asked. "I fell off the stairs..." yes I know that lying is wrong, but it's best to do in my situation if anyone calls my parents about they'll probably kill me. "Come on, don't lie to me I'm not dumb." I gave him a left hook in the jaw then I start crying "b-bye." I ran away to the bathroom.....

(I'm sorry There's so much POV switching Landon's POV)

"I-I can't believe he just punched me... he looked so harmless but he's so strong. I heard a crunch when he punched my jaw, the pain is fucking killing me. Well fuck, do I run after him or not? Whelp hell, my legs started running after the shock that Aaron, the shy, lonely, outcast punched me.

I started searching bathrooms "Nope not this one." I mumbled....

(Another POV switch I'm so sorry
Aaron's POV)

I was standing there in the bathroom with a razor blade cutting deeper and deeper each time hoping this pain, that I called my life would stop. I cut so deep I hit a artery. The blood was pulsating out of my deep wounds it was bright red and spurting out a bit. I look over, to see Landon running into the bathroom, "OH MY GOD I NEED TO GET YOU TO THE HOSPITAL" he yelled and then gasped. "No, it's okay. Just leave me here I'll be fine." I said calmly as I hoped he leave me here to die but nope he picked me up over his shoulder, I blushed scarlet red.

We got out of the school me crying and bleeding, he put me in his car like I was a baby, he buckled me in then he started driving, he started going down the free way, I silently unbuckled my seat belt and unbuckled myself well he wasn't looking, I open the door. And he immediately pulls over. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING." He yells,

"Just let me die, what's worth living anymore." I said in a monotone robotic like voice. He buckles me back in, and we finally get to the hospital, emergency rooms we went. (A/N this story takes place in Canada so again, health care is free.) they immediately got me in.

(Landon's POV)
I had to sit in the waiting room, I can't believe he tried to kill himself, MULTIPLE TIMES! I feel so bad for him, I wanna know where those fucking bruises came from, I swear I will kill whoever did that to him.

*Another time skip to 3 hours* dun dun dUN.

The doctors finally got back to me, "we have to keep him under suicide watch for at least 48 hours." The doctor said to me. "Well, okay." I said. I got up and left the hospital, I went to go get some ketchup chips and chocolate and pop and watch Netflix hoping Aaron would be better and come back safe and stable, it's weird I've never liked someone as much as I liked Aaron I usually have sex with someone and drop them, but Aaron it's different. I drift off to sleep thinking about my feelings for Aaron... I woke up it was now 6pm, I walk downstairs to see my sister with someone cuddling and making out, "OOOOO, nice boyfriend you got there, missy." I called out to my sister. I watched her immediately stand up and blush. I watch her tell the guy something then the guy left. "So who's that dude?" I asked "first of all he's not a dude he's non-binary" she said a bit pissed off. "Okay, well, who was that." I asked re stating my words. "He's my partner" she said. "Oof, get it girl." I said "how long have you been dating." I ask "about 4 months" she said. "What ever happened to your little boy toy anyway" she asked, I blushed scarlet red "he's not my boy toy, were just friends" I said "whatever you say" she said walking out the front door, going or doing who knows what, but it isn't any of my business.

I walk back up the stairs forgetting why I even went downstairs. I close my door behind me as I lay down and cry myself to sleep.

(ANOTHER FUCKING TIME SKIP I know what your thinking "WhY sO mANy TiME SkIPs aND pOv SWitCHinG AUthOR" well cause I want y'all to not get bored or anything and see all of the main characters thoughts.)

It was now the night before Aaron gets released from suicide watch I wasn't allowed to see him, it killed me not seeing his cute blue eyes and black hair and piercings. I got up fucking pumped as hell. I searched for my laptop and sat on my bed and watched some YouTubers specifically MilesChronicles and Storm Ryan (please tell me you know these YouTubers) I slowly dazed off to sleep. I dreamt about food and Aaron just cause.....

A/N well thanks for reading another chapter of my horrible story, I'm sorry it took a few extra days for this to come out, I can't promise to know when the next chapter will come out, also if anyone is even readying this chapter, this is gonna sound weird but how do you feel of me making a whole chapter of Aaron masturbating to the thought of Aaron and other stuff. Okay yup that sounded weirder then I anticipated...but tell me in the comments... bye guys thanks for reading again!

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