Chapter 5

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A/N Hello, I kinda don't like this story anymore, it feels rushed and horribly written, I will still complete or maybe delete, but updates might be late, I also might be writing another story that I'm more proud of... ALSO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED YOU LISTEN TO MUSIC WELL READING...

                                (Landon's POV)
I go to the dude that was Landon's bully, Crunch, i broke his nose. I kick him in the abdomen, then I grab his hair and smash my knee into his throat and knee, I step on his ribs a couple times, he's unconscious... I just want to kill him for hurting MY fucking bun bun, I was about to stomp on his head till I remembered the other guy...

Snap, I broke his arm, I pick him up and throw him on the ground, he gets up, punches my jaw, "YOU SON OF A FUCKING BITCH" I yell at the top of my lungs, i run at him tackling him to the ground and start violently punching his face, I get up from the unconscious guy I was laying on and run over to my bun bun who looked like he was in shock just silently sitting there lifeless eyes, I see his clothes ripped up, I get off his ropes that tied him up, I take off my shirt and put it on his naked form,

I pick him up ignoring everybody and called one of my friends to pick up my car and drive it here, I also asked him not to question what's happening, and he respected my wishes, still looking shocked at me, he got out and gave me the keys, and went inside to go see Jax to give him a ride home, I put Aaron inside my car in the back lying him against the window and buckle him in, "Do you want to go home or hospital?" I ask, "neither, my parents are home, they came back from another one of there business trips..." Aaron whispered mumbled, "Okay then rest, bun bun" he kinda smiled when I called him bun bun again, my world lit up as he smiled a bit

We arrive at my house, I look back and he's sleeping, I get out and open the door and picked him up and carried him inside, I lay him on the couch and got a blanket and pillow for him and got him comfy to sleep, (A/N yeah Aaron only has Landon's shirt on because Landon feels to uncomfortable putting underwear and pants on for him) I put on Netflix and sat down beside my sleeping bun bun.... half way through the movie I look down at my bun bun, I don't know why, but... I felt the need to just... kiss him, yes I know I'm a closeted gay and sleep with girls and the occasional guy, but I've never felt this way with someone.

I lean over, I look at his beautiful soft porcelain glass skin, his lushes long lashes, his soft delicate jet black hair, his cute button nose, his freckles,... his plump pinkish red lips...

I take my thumb and run it across his lips, I gently touch his soft hair, I lean closer and closer... and then... I'm kissing him...

                                   (Aaron's POV)
I was awoken by someone caressing my lips, and felt a hand touch my hair, then I felt... l-lips touching me, t-there so soft and plump, I open my eye a bit... to see someone kissing me... Landon... There i was, kissing The Bad Boy. The most hot dangerous guy in school, hell maybe even the whole world...

I gently start kissing back, he seemed startled a bit at first, then he started getting a bit rougher at kissing me, I moaned as he pulled my hair, as I moaned he slipped his tongue in my mouth, I didn't even try to fight for dominance I knew i wouldn't win, plus I knew from the start of my life I'm the bottom type, he lied me on my back on the couch and straddled me, he grabbed hold on my hair but not to roughly... little did he know I liked it rough... he leaned in and kissed me, he went from my lips to my jaw to nibbling on my ear, then to much neck, he started on one spot and started nibbling and biting and sucking on my neck, I moaned loudly, then I slapped a hand over my mouth as Landon chuckled, He went to another spot and just bit and sucked on there, I moaned, trying to hold back from all the moaning I bit my lip, it honestly barely helped, I still had the blanket on as he straddled me, he sat me up a bit and took off my shirt and looked at the hickeys he gave me

He looked pleased and accomplished, he look down at my chest and went down and started licking, all around my areola of my left nipple he sucked and bit and I went crazy, I moaned as he just licked my nipple, he took my nipple between his teeth and sucked gently and then pulled a bit then a bit rougher I moaned, he let go and went down to my stomach and just licked all around it I moaned so loud i barely heard the tv, and that was on like 36 or some shit, Landon started grinding on my croch, feeling his hard on grinding against mine felt like heaven, I started breathing so heavily I was almost hyperventilating, I took his head and started roughly making out.

(Landon's POV)
He grabbed my head and started roughly making out with me, "I like it rough" I heard him mumbled, Wow didn't expect him the type to like it rough, I grab his hair, as he gasps I slide my tongue in and start pulling his hair roughl-... I hear the door open to see my mother walk in with her friends, to I assume have dinner with "Hey... mom.... an her friends..." I say awkwardly well blushing, I look over at Aaron to see him terrified well looking over at my moms friends...

(Aaron's POV)
I look over to see my parents with I'm pretty sure is Landon's mom, I freeze, I feel Landon pull his shirt on me again so I'm not naked, after that I feel him pull my head to look at him "Hey, bun bun what's wrong?" Landon asked "m-my p-parents" I said my voice sounding desperate and shaking as I look back over to see my angry looking parents, "WERE YOU THE ONE TO TURN MY SON GAY!" My father yelled, I got up and had the blanket tied across my waist, my mother walks up to me and slaps me across the face, in my head I tell myself "your weak" "your useless" "nobody wants you" "your parents don't even want you" "your ugly" "your fat", I tell myself everyday.

I look up from crying to see Landon's mother hand grabbing my now fathers hand from slapping me, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PETER AND AMY, I LET YOU INTO MY HOME AND HIT THIS YOUNG MAN AND ACCUSE MY SON OF 'SUPPOSEDLY' TURNING SOMEONE GAY" Landon mothers yells at my parents, I feel Landon take my hand in his and he leads me up the stairs into his bedroom, he sits me on the bed, he carefully caresses my slapped cheek, he kisses my cheek then lips, "stay here, I'll be back in a minute" I watch as he steps out of the room and I assume to go help his mom with my parents...

(Landon's POV)
Were they the ones to hurt my precious bun bun, his life just keeps getting worse, I swear to fucking god if they were the ones who gave bun bun those bruises all over his soft small precious body, ill kill them. I step into the kitchen to see my mom and them arguing, Aaron's father was about to punch my mother, I freak and run at him and punch him, he takes my shirt and throws me to the ground, my mother runs at Aaron's father and tackles him, I get up weakly and call 911, I tell them the situation and wait for them to arrive, well Amy slapped my I held her arm and twisted it behind her back, "YOUR SICK PEOPLE, HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO YOU OWN SON" I yell at them. Cops come through the already open door, I let go of Amy and run upstairs, to see Aaron, I walk into the room to see Aaron biting himself telling him he's "worthless", I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him, I lay him down on bed and held him there for what felt like minutes which were probably hours, I hear a knock on the door, then the door opening, I softly let go of bun bun making sure whilst I let him go he stays asleep, I look over to see my mom, "man you really like that boy? Whenever I walk in on you, you just yell at them to leave, let alone you fighting his parents..." my mom says, "Yeah... I guess.." I said "Okay, I just wanted to check up on you, bye now..." my mom says leaving the room, after she left I look over at my bun bun, I carefully caress his cheek and kiss him. Man I'm so whipped....

A/N Why hello My smexy pineapples again I hope you liked this chapter, there was no trigger at the start cause you all probably know what your in for, but again i may delete this, it feels so rushed, I want work I'm proud of not just putting out there quickly, I hope you liked the little part of  Aaron and Landon together.... NOW BYE SMEXY PINEAPPLES BE YOURSELF AND PLEASE DONT SELF HARM OR TELL YOURSELF YOUR WORTHLESS, if you feel like that, your worth everything in life and your perfect if you think no one cares about you I do! Now go eat pineapples! Pineapples will always make you feel better...

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