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(i took this from my queen drabbles so it's easier to read in order)

Johns POV

I sat on the couch of the recording room, I could hear Brian and Roger arguing over a song in the booth. Freddie just sat there laughing at the two of them. I looked over and got comfortable, I saw Roger glance at me and stopped arguing with Brian. He walked over and poked his head out.

"You alright Deaks?" he asked. I nodded, I didn't realized how tired I looked until I walked past a mirror. I sighed softly, and grabbed my guitar.

"Deaky are you sure you're all right?" I heard who I thought was Roger. I let out a deep breath before sitting down and that's the last thing I remember.

Rogers POV

John sat down and fell over. I quickly fell over stopping him from hitting the ground.

"Brian!!" I yelled to get the guitarist attention. He rushed over and helped me move John to the couch. I bit my lip and looked over him.

"What the hell happened?" Freddie and Brian said at the same time. I just stared at the unconscious man. I felt myself become panicked.

"I-I don't know what's wrong, h-he sat down and fell over. A-An..and..." I began stumbling over my words. Brian gave me a weird look, I was never like this. Never. I was always confident in what I said. I almost never stuttered. I shoved my hands in my pocket to keep them from shaking.

"I think we should call it a day, we are down two," Freddie said to Brian. Bri nodded.

"Rog do you want to stay with John?" Brian asked me. I nodded, rubbing the back of my neck. I gently picked John up. He looked horrible, and he always looks amazing. He looked exhausted and run down.

When we arrived at his flat, Brian unlocked the door and let us in. I gently set him on the couch.

"Are you gonna tell me what that whole thing with the stuttering and shaking was about Rog?" Brian pressed. I looked over John again.

"He just... I just... I... I love him Brian!" I yelled, immediately covering my mouth. I felt a tear fall down my face.

"I just love him so much... I know he doesn't feel the same. There's no reason for him to... I'm defensive and moody and I have a horrible temper... there's so much about me that—" I was cut off by a soft voice.

"That I love..." Brian and I turned to see Deaky awake and listening to me. He started to get up, I shook my head and he sat back down. I moved closer. He looked up at me, his normally bright green eyes were so dull. He didn't look himself.

"I'll leave you to," Brian said giving me a smile before stepping out. I sat next to John, gently taking his hands.

"What's going on Deaky?" I asked pulling him closer and laid him across my lap.

"I... I've been so conflicted lately... Every time I look at you... there's just something that clicks in me and... I don't know Roger..." He said in a quiet raspy voice.

"Love... are you saying you have feelings for me?" I asked gently running my fingers through his hair.

"I... I uh..." he pulled at a string on his shirt and nodded. I smiled. I pressed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"You heard everything I said... so you know my feelings," I said softly as I gently traced his jawline. Words aren't enough to express my feelings for him. His cute smile, or when he sticks his tongue out when he's smiling. Or when he laughs at Freddie, or when he gets frustrated when he messes up a bass line. I could go on and on. His eyes... God his eyes I love them. When the sun catches them just right, the green becomes really bright and the grey becomes icy. Don't even get me started on his hair, I wish I had his hair sometimes. I ran my fingers through it, hoping he'd fall asleep again. His small frame lay against mine, I grabbed a blanket off the side of the couch and covered us both.

Johns POV

I woke up laying in Roger's arms, my dreams had finally come true. He was so cute when he was asleep. I stretched and slowly got up. He stirred but didn't wake. I shuffled into the kitchen and looked in the cupboard and sighed. I'd been so down since Veronica left me, and that had been months ago. I didn't eat much or drink much. Mostly tea and milk. I realized my feelings for Roger when Veronica called me a few weeks back. We talked briefly about Robert and how she was doing with her new husband. I listened her, I felt the tears pricking my eyes. I told her I was ill and hung up. She said she loved me but then just like that she was with someone else. I confided my feelings in Roger, he was easy to talk to. I looked around and sighed. I turned around to see Roger slowly waking up.

"Hi honey... when did you wake up?" He asked getting up and sauntering over to me. I shrugged and leaned against the counter.

"Deaky, when was the last time you ate and actual meal?" He pressed. I looked down and he sighed softly.

"We are going to eat, go get changed into some nicer clothes. Can I borrow some I'm gonna shower and we can head out after" He said, I opened my mouth to protest but he shook his head. I sighed and grabbed clothes, and a towel for him.

"M-may I join you...?" I asked timidly. Roger glanced over at me.

"Yes of course, come on love," He murmured as he slipped off his shirt. I smiled and did the same. I turned on the shower and slipped off my pants and boxers. Roger and I slipped in. I sighed softly.

"Deaky... honey..." He said looking over my body, I knew what he was going to say. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. He stopped and kissed my jaw. He began washing my hair, massaging it gently.

After the shower, we both got dressed. My clothes looked normal on the shorter man. They were a bit big on me, but then again every thing was. I gently took his hand. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

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