1# How you met

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A/N: This is my first preference and there will be more to come! Evie Xx

<||Steve Rogers||>

It was an average day in central park, the sun was rising, and the birds were singing, everything was peaceful. But, you however, were not. You had a job interview for a major company in 10 minutes and your car had broken down, so you only had one option and that was too sprint through central park as fast as you could with your H/C locks blowing in the wind. As you began at a steady pace you checked the papers in your hands to make sure they had not blown away and as you where in deep thought you ran into something very hard.

"Oh my, I'm very sorry I was not looking, and I did not see you," You looked up only to have your eyes met with the one and only Captain America's! His gorgeous blonde her really complimented his blue eyes, with a tiny hint of green.

"It's totally ok! Don't worry about it" You said a little bit too enthusiastically

"I'm Steve Rogers" He spoke whilst extending his hand.

"It's an honour to meet you Mr. Rogers, I'm Y/N."

"Please, call me Steve. Look, I'm sorry about your files,"

"What files?" You were really confused until he nodded his head towards the duckpond "Shit."


Steve then helped you fish your files out of the pond, also slipping his phone number in your pocket, maybe is wasn't so bad missing you interview, after all something better was about to happen.

<||Tony Stark||>

Your boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend, had just been caught cheating on you with your best friend and let's just say you dumped his sorry ass. Although you were still upset as you had thrown 2 years of your life down the drain so what better way to handle it then to go out drinking in New York city. As you gulped down the last of your whisky you raised your hand until the bartender caught your attention and approached you.

"I'll have another whisky please, make it a double"

He politely nodded and began to pour you a drink, as you grabbed your purse out of your bag.

"Drinks on me, and I'll have whatever she's having."

You turned your head only to be met by Tony Stark. The Tony Stark.

"So, what's a pretty girl like you doing here by yourself?" He spoke with eyes full of curiosity.

"I'll have you know this pretty girl just dumped her dick of a boyfriend." You quickly gulped your drink down knowing there was a long night ahead of you and boy, it was.

<||Bruce Banner||>

You waited anxiously in your lab as you could not believe what was happening, it all started when you explained your scientific theory on the correlation between mass and matter and some anonymous person had agreed with you was planning on helping you prove the theory. You were snapped out of your thoughts when heard heavy footsteps approaching and the lab doors swing open only to reveal the cutest man you've ever met.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Bruce Banner and you must be..."

"Y/N Y/L/N"

"Well, it's lovely to meet you, now show me this theory."

<||Clint Barton||>

You were a member of SHIELD and you had just got out of your meeting which explained your mission and lets just say you were not happy with the game plan so you went to the one place you believed would help detox you, the firing range.

As bullets left the gun quicker then you implied you started to feel more at ease, hitting the target every single time until an arrow beet you too it. You snapped your head to the side only to be met by a strange face.

"Who are you and what do you want?" You snarled after all you did not like being disturbed.

"Clint Barton, who are you? And why on Earth are you taking your frustration out on that dummy?" He questions making your eyebrows furrow together.

"Y/N Y/L/N, and I'll have you know I'm just stressed now please move out of my way whilst I continue shooting 'kay?

Clint just stood there and watched you with a huge grin on his face, a grin that made butterflies set off inside you.

"Only if I can join."

<||Thor Odinson||>

You were on a beach in Mexico, taking in the scorching sun whilst laying there in your beautiful purple sundress reading a magazine until a loud whistling sound could be heard from the sky and a vibrant beam shot down on the soft sand whilst a dark figure appeared in the middle. An alien invasion? No. A handsome man in cosplay? Yes. And this strange man began to approach you.

"Good Afternoon M'lady, my gosh you are beautiful, could you please give me directions to the avengers' compound, you see I am not one to understand you and these crazy Midgardians," He chuckled "Me and my hammer are quite tried as you say."

"This is Mexico, the compound is in New York, your miles off." You spoke softly after recovering from you blushing cheeks and realization that the guy in front of you was in fact the infamous Thor. "I'm actually flying back there tomorrow if you would like to come back with me, I am Y/N Y/L/N."

"I am Thor Odinson and I would be more then happy to accompany you on your flight back M'lady as I could not let such a beautiful Midgardian slip through my fingers."

<||Bucky Barnes||>

It was hard ordering a drink at rush hour but it was even harder trying to find a seat. You stood there with your coffee in hand waiting for a table too miraculously appear until you noticed a guy head down into a book drinking coffee right in the corner. He had chin length brown hair and quite a bit of stubble and he also had something shiny in his hands or rather a shiny hand. You decided to sit there hoping he wouldn't mind, after all your legs were about to give way. As you approached you started to notice how incredibly handsome he was and how he looks rather tired.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken, I kinda have nowhere to sit but if not it's totally fine," You continued rambled on until he interrupted you.

"It's fine, take a seat." He had a very husky voice and it made you wonder what his morning voice would sound like. You and this mysterious stranger fell into an awkward silence until you noticed his book cover.

"I love that book, Tender Is The Night, I think it's beautifully written."

He looked up at you almost surprised that you had spoken to him, and he had the bluest eyes you'd ever seen they looked like a tropical ocean although one with a storm approaching as there was something behind them, maybe a hint of sadness?

"I agree," He spoke quite soft and looks hesitant for a second until he spoke up again, "I'm Bucky."

"Wow, your parents are creative. I'm Y/N Y/L/N."

"No, they're not as creative as yours, I think you have a lovely name. Bucky is my nickname, short for James Buchanan Barnes, but I'd much prefer it if you called me Bucky." He looked at so profoundly as if he wanted to tell you what was causing the storms behind his eyes and that's how it started, occasionally meeting and recommending and discussing books over two cups of coffee in between a set of desperate glances.

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