4# Favourite thing about you

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<||Steve Rogers||>

Physically: Steve never admitted it but he loved your legs. He liked how they were so smooth and soft and would sometimes turn up the heat in his apartment only so he could see you in shorts.

Personality: Steve loves how loyal you are. It was hard to find someone to trust after everything that happened and you were always there for him to talk to and he never had to worry about it being spilled.

<||Tony Stark||>

 Physically: Ok this is Tony Stark we are talking about so of course he loves your body, more specifically, your butt. He always stares at during meetings whilst you're walking down and he always makes sure to buy you the tightest clothes at possible so he can see, but he will raise hell if anyone else does.

Personality: He loves how forgiving you are, because he has made many mistakes and you always consider his point of view or anyone else's in that matter and he loves how it makes you someone who he can show the real him too. 

<||Bruce Banner||>

Physically: He loves your nose, simple as. He loves how you scrunch it when you laugh or when you scowl and he adores how cute it makes you look, especially with his glasses on the end.

Personality: Being a scientist, Bruce loves how smart you are. Whether it plotting the best strategical methods or working out equations, he loves it.

<||Clint Barton||>

Physically: Clint likes your arms, he loves how smooth and petite they are. Being the cheeky man he is, teaching you how to shoot is the best way for him to admire them. No wonder your have so many sessions a week.

Personality: He loves how sassy you are, whether it is too him or your fellow workers he just loves it, especially when you rant and you say the sassiest things ever, plus, you move your arms a lot.

<||Thor Odinson|/>

Physically: He loves your hands. Being from Asguard, he was raised to kiss a Ladies hand as it was polite, and he loved placing kisses all over them as they are tiny compared to his. 

Personality: He loves how strong you are and to him you represent all the female warriors as you stand up for what you believe in, plus you make a badass team.

<||Bucky Barnes||>

Physically: Bucky loves you eyes. He finds the colour fascinating and how your eyes themselves portray your emotions. He always stares into them which causes you both to laugh. He can tell a lot about you by just staring into your eyes.

Personality: He loves how gentle and patient you are towards him. You make him feel safe whenever he doesn't. You provide him with reassurance and if he is not feeling good one day you will help him or give him the space he wants but within minutes he is hugging you.

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