8# What your family think of him

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<||Steve Rogers||>

Of course, without a doubt your Family love him as he is Americas' hero! However, your Father is slightly suspicious of him as he can't believe that someone can be so 'perfect'. They always invite him over as they can't get enough of how sweet he is.

<||Tony Stark||>

Your family, do not like him. Whenever you and him visit they always make it clear that they don't like him and his attitude and this causes a few arguments but you always make up. Eventually they came around but they still don't like him.

<||Bruce Banner||>

Your family actually really like Bruce, despite of his reputation as 'The Other Guy'. Your Mum thinks he is a 'Little love' and you Father knows he is too pure and good to hurt you. They also admire how gentle he can be towards you and your little relatives.

<||Clint Barton||>

Surprisingly, you family like him. They see how much he cares for you and how much effort he goes to just to make sure you're okay. Your parents love how child friendly he is as he always teaches your sibling and cousins how to shoot arrows.

<||Thor Odinson|/>

At first, you family did not like him as they thought he was too loud; weeks later they loved him, probably more then you. He was great with the little ones, letting them try and lift the Mjölnir even though they couldn't. 

<||Bucky Barnes||>

Much like your friends, you only have a small family and they don't like him. Although you keep them separate, they still think he is bad for you and continue telling you and Bucky always hears it and this causes him to feel self conscious, but you always reassure him.

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