6# How he asked you to be his girlfriend

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<||Steve Rogers||>

You and Steve have been seeing each other for a couple of weeks and today you decided to take him too see 'IT'. When you arrived he paid for your tickets and bought one large popcorn and a large drink with two straws. By the end of the night you were both terrified and on edge, he decided to walk you home all the way to the front door, he even checked the hall to make sure there was no clowns or balloons about.

"Thank you Steve." You said quite embarrassed as your cheeks began to flush.

"Look it's fine, that film totally got me too. Would you like me to stay here tonight? I mean not that I have t- or I could sleep on the couc- what use would that make me? Against a clown? Wait! Was I rambling?" He spoke, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Please stay, I mean you can sleep in my bed with me, If you want too."

"On one condition..."

"What is that Steve?" 

"Y/N. Be my girlfriend." Steve spoke quite confidently.

"Only if you promise me there won't be any clowns involved."

"Only for my best girl."

<||Tony Stark||>

You woke up with a banging headache after that charity event being Tony's plus one, no surprise there.  You went into the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of water until your doorbell went off, causing your head to ring louder. As you opened it nobody was there until you looked down and saw 23 (not that you counted...) Y/F/C roses with a white box next to them and a note on top. You slowly bent down and picked up the note, noticing how familiar the hand writing appeared to be. It said...

Hey Y/N, 

Last night was totally fun and I may have a party upcoming on Saturday and would love it if you could come.

Love, Tony Stark Xxx

P.S, I am introducing you as my girlfriend

That cheeky bastard.

<||Bruce Banner||>

Bruce had been working in the lab all day  and didn't want to spend time with you, it really annoyed you so you confronted him and asked him what has been going on.

"Bruce why haven't you been spending time with me?" You spoke, slightly hurt. 

Bruce sighed deeply and presented you with a series of chemicals written out, not giving you much of a clue.

"Write them in there symbolic letters, it might give you a hint. There's a periodic table on your left Y/N." 

You huffed and sat down, writing them out, until they spelt...

'Be Mg GaIFrIEsNe' (A/N: I actually did that myself using the Table, I'm so sorry it is bad!)

"Bruce I have no idea what that says?"

"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Oh My!!!!! YESSSS!!" You squealed, tackling him to the ground.

<||Clint Barton||>

You were at home when you heard something, someone knocking on you balcony door. You started to think it as just the heavy rain and thunder going on outside but when you heard muffled noises you decided to check. As you peeled back the curtains you got a good glimpse of a very wet, cold and confused Clint.

He began to point to the T-Shirt he was wearing and began to muffle some more noises but you could not understand him as your eyes countlessly scanned over the T-shirt which read...

'Y/N, will you be mine?'

"YES CLINT!" You shouted hoping he could hear you, he only smiled back and walked towards the glass.

"Can I come in now?"

You did let him in after taking a few photos and putting them on you Instagram.

<||Thor Odinson|/>

You were in the middle of a conference meeting, which was boring until someone sarted shouting from thr park outside.

"Lady Y/N!" 

That could only be one person. Thor. Your boss excused you and asked you to see what was going on and as you ran outside you noticed him holding a giant banner.

"Lady Y/N, I have saved you from you boring job, will you now be my lady?" 

"Thor? I don't understand?"

"Be my girlfriend! You are so silly, I love it!!" 

"Of course!" He pulled you into a bear hug and began to squeeze you.

"Maybe next time try to be a little more quiet.

<||Bucky Barnes||>

It was your Friday routine. Every night at 7pm Bucky would come over and he would lay in your bed with his head on your chest whilst you played with his hair, whilst talking about anything, whether it was how your day went, or his nightmares or Steve's romantic life. However today was different, Bucky was quiet, very quiet.

"Buckybear? Are you ok?" You asked quietly, not wanting to worry him.

"I think I will be ok once you are my girl." He replied simply.

"Bucky, I will only be your girl if you are my guy. Do we have a deal?" 

"I think we do Doll, I think we do." 

And after that he nuzzled his face into you neck, sending you both into a deep slumber. He was finally Ok.

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