5# Favourite thing about him

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<||Steve Rogers||>

Physically: You love his eyes, I mean who wouldn't? They are a gorgeous blue colour and they make him look so innocent , which comes to his advantage with the 'rare arguments' and the 'I want something which is completely unnecessary' and you always fail to hold up your guard. 

Personality: You love how sweet he is, purely because he will go out of his way to make sure you are happy whether it's at work or home. Steve will always make sure you feel happy with yourself and you are beautiful.

<||Tony Stark||>

Physically: You love the arc reactor because it makes him who he is today and gave him the opportunity to help the world in greater ways then to just use money. It also gives him ideas for inventions and you love seeing his smile when he succeeds. Plus the reactors makes a great night light.

Personality: You love how confident he is, it makes you laugh when he struts towards you and asks you out on a date and when he senselessly flirts with you. His confidence makes you proud of him as he is willing to stand up and do what is right.

<||Bruce Banner||>

Physically: You love his glasses as they highlight his eyes and make him look incredibly cute and maybe a tad like a sexy scientist...

Personality: You love how shy he is. When he first asked you out he was a stuttering mess and it made you knees weak and your heart melt, even after all this time he is still shy and still melting your heart.

<||Clint Barton||>

Physically: You love his arms, for the same reason he loves yours and because they made him what he is today, a hero. I mean who will you find that can take down robots with a bow and arrow?

Personality: You love his sassy/cheeky side because it is so fun just to watch him slaughter everyone with his words, it always leaves you in fits of laughter.  Even when he flirts with you, he still manages to make you laugh.

<||Thor Odinson|/>

Physically: You love how tall he is because, no matter how many things you stand on he is taller which makes him a giant climbing frame and a way of transport via piggy backs, but either way you have a lot of fun.

Personality: You love how confused he can get, especially with midguardian technology, he pulls a really confused face which makes him look like a lost puppy and he sounds so confused it makes your heart ache for him.

<||Bucky Barnes||>

Physically: You like his body, but not because of his muscles but how it shows everything he has been through, such as the scars on his chest and on he left shoulder where the metal meets the skin. It shows how human he is; to you, Bucky is beautiful, inside and out.

Personality: You love how cuddly he is. Much like you Bucky may appear quite intimidating on the outside but really, all he wants is someone to love/cuddle and when it comes to you, he will spend every minute he can per day cuddling you and this makes him the worst sparring partner.

A/N: I am very sorry for my slow updates, but I am currently working on some drafts! Feedback is much appreciated! Remember to vote and comment! 

Lots of love my lil' avengers! 

Evie Xx

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