9# Who your best friend is

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<||Steve Rogers||>

Bucky Barnes:

Without a doubt Bucky is your best friend. Steve always talks about him and you know the truth about him and what HYDRA did, so you made it your mission to help him settle. He was kind to you but he was still uneasy around you, however, after crashing on your couch every few weeks he felt more then safe around you and was grateful for everything you do for Steve.

<||Tony Stark||>

Clint Barton:

You first met Clint when he fell through the vent in your room and you two just seemed to hit it off. He always made you laugh and was like a brother to you, even attempting to threaten Tony if he ever hurt you. When Tony was being a jerk, he would let you cry into his shoulder and make sure you felt better before you left, I mean that's what friends are for right?

<||Bruce Banner||>

Tony Stark:

Whenever you went to pick Bruce up from the lab he would always be with his 'science bro' Tony Stark. He would always tease the you and Bruce about your relationship, leaving him in a blushing mess and you laughing. Whenever he had trouble with his girlfriend he would come to you for advice and you never failed him and for that he commended you.

<||Clint Barton||>

Natasha Romanoff:

This is not surprising. You met Natasha through Clint and she became close to you. Every time Clint was being a complete idiot she always knocked some sense into him (literally) and even helped you pull pranks on him. You were both each others shoulder to cry on if they needed too and you saw a whole new side of Natasha, you loved it.

<||Thor Odinson|/>

Wanda Maximoff:

You befriended the Maximoff when she first joined the avengers. You were nice towards her and very supportive and she loved you. Whenever you needed to gossip or just a 'girly' chat she was always there and between the two of you, there were some pretty funny conversations, she was an amazing friend.

<||Bucky Barnes||>

Steve Rogers:

Steve could not thank you enough for everything you had done for Bucky, you were there for him physically, mentally, emotionally and Steve adored you for that. Whenever Steve needed advice on girls he would talk to you and Bucky as he thought you had more finessed ideas compared to Bucky. Whenever Bucky had a nightmare and Steve couldn't calm him he called you as he knew how much you helped.

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