Jacob's Route and Burnt Cherries ™

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Jacob's eyes fluttered open as he heard the sound of an ambulance and Nathan's cries.
Nathan, Marcel, and Matthew sat in the back. Matthew hoped for his best friend to stay alive, Nathan held Jacob's hand tightly while subconsciously cuddling it, and even though Marcel did not show it, he was hoping for Jacob to sleep peacefully, forever.
Once they arrived at the hospital, in Jacobs room, nurses rushed to him with one Epi-Pen in each of their hands.
The nurses couldn't separate Nathan and Jacob, as Nathan kept on holding his hand. Also, Jacob was his childhood friend.
At once, all of the nurses injected him with the Epi-pen.
"Oh no, we're losing him! Start the heart shocking process!," one of the nurses yelled.
Doctors rushed in and brought in more of the shock pads.
"We need him for his heart to beat erratically so we could get the blood flowing! Hey, you there, try to make his heart beat really fast," A doctor shouted to Nathan.
"I'll try, but I don't know if he has sexual feelings for me."
"Do it quickly," shouted the doctor, once again.
Nathan immediately took of his shirt and attached cat ears to his head and wore a cat tail.
He also put his hair in red pigtails, to look exactly like Nico from Love Live.
"Neko Neko NII!!!," Nathan said in the most harmonic voice, like an angel.
Jacob wouldn't open his eyes, so Nathan got on top of him on the hospital bed, [Nathan is a temporary dom but is actually a Neko ]
forcing his eyelids open.
Once Jacob saw Nathan half naked, he immediately blushed and tried to look away.
The doctor encouraged him to make Jacob blush further.
"Uh um.. alright," Nathan muttered, staring intently at Jacob.
He kissed Jacob on the cheek, then the lips.
Jacob was shocked at first, maintaining a wide-eyed expression, but slowly melted into the kiss. [KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE]
Nathan was surprised when Jacob's tongue darted into his mouth, so he used the same method.
Nathan and Jacob's tongues fought in each other mouths for dominance.
Jacob won.
Nathan wasn't satisfied with just that, so he slowly made his way towards Jacob's neck, sucking it.
Just then, Nathan remembered the sweet smile of Marcel's face and that all of the nurses and doctors were watching.
It was silent,
very silent.
An abundance of heat rushed up to Jacob and Nathan's and the heart monitor beeped irregularly.
All of the nurses and doctors applauded.
Jacob was now saved, which meant he could live another 29 years before his miserable death.
"Wow, I've always thought of you as just a childhood friend, but now... just come over tomorrow to my house, and make sure you're alone." Jacob whispered.
"Ok Mr.Nathan, you may be excused for today, we must preform surgery on Jacob, and thank you for um, your 'kind' actions, we 'greatly' appreciate it," one of the nurses chuckled.
Nathan put on his shirt, and felt something odd in his pocket.
"What's this? Wait a minute, Jerry's Cherries™
are still in my pocket? BURN IN HELL, you are the spawn of Jacob's dilemma!" Nathan exclaimed.
He threw the cherries outside of the window, while Jerry was walking by, and attempted to light them of fire, but he never knew he missed, causing Jerry, and Jerry's Cherries™ [don't forget the cherries that aren't trademarked aka his other cherries] to burn.

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[rip Jerries Cherries™ 2004-2018 you will be REMembered]

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[rip Jerries Cherries™ 2004-2018 you will be REMembered]

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