mind set

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The first step to sucess is mind set .Wake up in the morning and be happy and be greatfull.
Dont think about your problems from yesterday , they will solve anyway ,but just like the breakfast is important ,this is important too wake up and smile ,let your smile bring your happiness and make you determinded for the day.

You can smile and be gratfull for the first thing that you are alive ,that you are right here where you are and right now you have the chance to change something , right now you have the amazing chance to start again!
Many people go to sleep and dont open their eyes in the morning.  

(Just want to add something for depressed people right here , before i continue ..I know you may wish that. To go to sleep and don't wake up. You may wish to end it all. You dont really want to stop living..no..you just want to stop the pain in living...i know how you feel...cuz i went trough that too..and i want to let you know , that there IS other way. And you matter! Someone there really loves you  and need you.But you just don't see it right now cuz you are blinded by your tears , your problems that poison your mind and the pain that hang your lungs. Deth ein't saviour. It ein't freedom . And it ein't peace. Its only the meaning of beeing gone forever leaving you without choice to know , could it be better? Yes. It could be better. Yes . Its hard. And Yes you can do it.Death it ein't option . It tooked me 15 years to feel alive again. But i save people trough thouse 15 years. It tooked me 2-3 years to get out of depression. I dont regret any of that , exept that i was so blind to see that someone cares and i hurt many people i used to care about.
But now i can fix that. Now i can show them my love. I can forgive and move on. Pain is not a course its a teacher. I bet you ask "Why? Why to me? Why i go trough that? Can it just finally stop?" I didnt find a point in living too..But now i'm here. And i know Why . My past was this thing i had to go trough to be who i am now. "So many scars , so many days , but it was all about thouse years to make who i am. " And my pain was this thing that made me help many others like me. You EIN'T a mistake. You EIN'T weak. And you DESERVE to be here and be happy and loved. You deserve all the love in this world. Its NOT IMPOSIBLE.
I am the prove you CAN do it.
So..dont fool me..
You beautiful  ..have a really imortant mission right now..
And that mission is to keep going , dont give up..keep going till you dont feel you did it..
Till you can breath again
Till your smile is truly , not fake
Till you finally feel the beat of your heart..
I'll tell you one sicret ..
People like me and you..they go so far ..cuz they know how to survive , they went trough Hell ..so they could run to the top now...)

We think about tomorrow like we are shure that there will be tomorrow. But tomorrow is not promised.So wake up and live like there is no tomorow.Cuz tomorow you may not wake up . And tomorow you may have not this chance to move closer to your dream.Is better to die knowing you did everything you coud today to get closer to your dream than die knowing that you dont even try.And you can do something little everyday,little steps will bring you further than yesterday.You have to move on . You have to move and move and move. Never stick to one place cuz you wont go anywhere.You are not a tree ! You can do it! If you cant fly , you can run , if you cant run , you can walk , if you cant walk you can crawl. Be gratfull for beeing alive today . Make today count.
Live like you ever wanted to live. NOW.

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