try hard until you get there

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Even if you are tired , dont give up! Go and chase your dreams! Have a passion! Nomatter how hard is it you gotta keep going! Becouse you gonna make it one day and you gonna say "i did it". But if you quit now..than you can only wonder what it would be... You know what ?Its not eazy and  Pain and mistakes happens but they can be a really good teacher if you know how to lurn from it. I see so many people that had harder life than mine and keep repiting me how they ware bettter than me right now but they are actually nothing now. You know why?!Becouse they didnt lurn from it.They just sleep it away.I see it clearly and it makes me mad. Becouse i may have lower grades , i may have problems but i know what im doing!I lurned from my pain and from my mistakes , from my past everyday and what i know now they dont  , but they struggled more than i getting better and better every day...its just kinda funny..cuz..they keep their past just to say how hard it was , like a story to tell..but they didnt lurn anything from it  , or if they do they don't use it....and actually the better one here..cuz i may had not the best grades wile i struggle ..but i do better in life cuz i lurned my life lesson... I had helped alot people with this shit that i carry inside. I get trough all this pain , i heard everyday that im nothing , but i get up from the ground i screamd loud inside "I'LL PROVE YOU , YOU ARE WRONG!" And you know what i do ?! I saved lifes! And i actually did improved and higer my grades time ago ..And many people dont know about it , but i dont really care ,becouse i know what i do and i love it. And I know how to use it. I know how to turn my pain into power ! I know that faillier is not faillier its only a lesson ! And i know how to use all that to chase my dreams! And nomatter how hard is it , everytime time they nock me down , i know i gotta get up ! And i have to do it for myself. Cuz i know if i stay down there for too long i can die! And i cant die quiting! I cant! I know nobody will pick me up ! Nobody will help me. You know why? Becouse nobody cares. And i gotta walk this road alone. I have to fight alone. And i may struggle sometimes ,i  may cry till i cant breathe but i never quit. Becouse of YOU. Becouse i know you need me. Cuz i see you. You are pretty blind for the world around you, cuz i was like you ..i know it ..and im walking on the same road..i keep lurning day by day and i will never stop....i keep bettering myself ..
i want to do something , something nobody did for me. I want to help you walk trough that road , i know you are strong enough to walk it alone , but not enough to open your eyes. I want you to see the world in every color you could see it. I want you to love it with all you have . I want you to feel it.
I want you to be happy to be here right now , reading this in this moment . Becouse you are special and it all beguns and ends with You. I want you to belive..
Everything is possible and its all up to you. You have the great oportunity to choose and to live.
Do you want to walk down the street still so blind for everything around you , beeing a slave of your own mind ..or you really want to wake up and walk and fight and dream and belive and see and live how you ever wanted and never ever stop ?!

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