never give up

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You had heard this , right? Probably a million times as well.
Here is something you maby dont know about this famous phrase "never give up".
By "never give up" , i dont mean exactly this. Becouse i know that nommater how far you go or how hard you try , there aways will be one of this tough days or things that will try their best to bring you down.You shoudn't let them do that , but if this happens , its okay. I are human , you have emotions , you make mistakes . Don't be too hard on yourself.If you need to cry ,just do it. Let it all out. This DOESN'T make you weak! Its normall to feell.As much as its normal to ask for help. You dont have to pretend that its eazy all the time and asking for help never hurt . You also shoudnt pretend you can do something if you are bearly holding anything togheter. And i know that one day you may say or think "i can't.." , you may fall down on the ground and give up ..Than you'll probably feel miserable becouse you coudn't handle following this line. Becouse you coudn't give your best , cuz you fail .Or you did your best and you still fail. Well...
This is NOT TRUE. If you ever think like that , i wont blame you for it.We all go trough self dupt and insecuritys . Its normal and its totally awright. Its okay as long as you take your time to get better , recover , stand up and keep going. You haven't gave up!
Just take your time. Even if the world seems like ending , belive me it will get better after time.
Getting better can happen for a day or can take you mounts or years. It doesnt matter how long it will take. You must do it! Or you wont be able to keep going otherwise . Beeing in a bad place right now , doesnt have to mean that you'll be on the same place tommorow.
I also notice that we look up to our idols or self models and we think that it was eazy to get there . If it was eazy , everyone would be there.
Eminem sings for the one shot.
That one perfect momemt that you shoudn't miss.
But he also sings how he had forget his lyrics , how everyone was loughing in his face . And how he bearly know his own doughter. But he made it! He said "sucess is my only opsion , falier is not !" But do you know how many times he failed?! Alot!But he is the most famous rapper of all times now. Becouse in his head he havent failed , he was just lurning .

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