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I realise something today..
It's all a choice ..
The good and the bad..
Sometimes we make bad choices
And we regret about it..
My uncle use to tell me
That whatever happens in the past , you shoud not regret it , becouse at that time , this was the most right thing you could do , you did your best you could and also whatever you do now you cant turn the time and go back there's no point to stress yourself with it
Just smile and see what you can do now , give the best of you and dont worry
Lurn from your bad choices , let it be not a bad memorie , but a lesson

Little story time about my bad choices , what i lurn and how now i take responcibity and change to better

My bestfriend used to harm herself for every little bad thing that happends .
And once we argued trough chat,
She send me a picture of her hand with a red scratch .
And told me "It's your foult!"
I was really worried about her and it drived me mad that she do it.
But when she said "it's your foult!" That was the last drop
I get angry and said something like "Oh really its my foult? Im not the one who scratch your hand..Cant you just face your problems and tryina fix it , insted of quiting everytime you see a chalenge?!"
I admith i was rude..but i know i was right
Along time after that when she stopped doing that and i was by her side nommater what till  everything was fine , time passed she start going out with bad company and they changed her..she used to call me , only when she had problems and she didnt listen to me , when i tried to tell her that they are not good for her
I started to  harm
And it was hard to stop
She wasn't by my side and i feeld replaced , alone and used
I knew it wasn't right but i did it.
I used to say that she is the reason..
Than i remember the conversation that we had
And realise that she is just excuse
I dont really do it for her , i do it cuz i choosed to do it
And it's my responcibility to take care of my own self
And im glad to say that i stoped.
I haven't harm from almost half year .

Btw my friend is better now too , after time she realise she was wrong and that they waren't really her friends , only faked just to have fun , she apoligised for not listening to me earlier..she wish she hadn't did that , but its okay , she lurned her lesson too and now everything is alright .

Bye readers

Love you ,
I hope you had Amazing day
And i hope you are happy

Whatever happens , it will aways go better 😊🌹🌹

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