its not aways what u expect

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So there is that time when you think about future things and you have expectations about the things , how they look ,what will happend. And than they come and it doesnt fit with your expectations and you are disapointed. But you shoudn't take it that way , cuz the things happens the best way they can.
Iven if something bad happens right now , better things will come. So just chill , dont try to control things you can't. The best thing to do is to admith the situation to adapt to it and make out the best of it. So dont  stress out  that much when things dont fit to your expectations.Just chill and try to enjoy the way it is. And sometimes things are harder than you thought. But the end resoult is worth it :)

And also about places or when you get late for something.
Its just happens ,man.
You get late for your important meething yeah..
Just get in there , say "Sorry , its my foult, i get late " and take your responsibility , move on .
But dont feel that bad about it becouse its just not worth to stress out about things like that, take a note in your head that you gotta work out your time better and dont get late next time.
Its a mitting after all.
And i dont say get late everyday and be an ashole and dont stress out about it. Becouse you'll get fired and thats not what i whant .
But i mean , maby you didnt miss that much .
I get late for a wedding once lol.
And honestly i dont sorry about it. Becouse the first part wich i miss was more like a family thing ..and if i went on time , i would feel akward becouse im just a friend .
And with places is the same. You coudnt went somewhere and you start feel bad about it. But dont. You are here right now , maby becouse you have to be. So just enjoy where you are. Dont weist your time thinking what it would be if you ware there , becouse that way you ruin your time here also.
Be happy and dont stress out much , love ya.
Take care .

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