What now:Finale.

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Kuro reached the bedroom door ,and hesitated.He could no  longer sense Tsubaki,which worried him that he was too late.Either his brother had taken Mahiru with him...or he broke him.Kuro took a deep breath and sighed,then forced locked the door open.As his eyes scanned  the room,the first thing he saw was the window by the bed open the curtains blowing in the wind.The second thing he saw made him gasp.  "Mahiru?"He said with a mixture of confusion and joy that Mahiru was still alive and unharmed sitting on the edge of the bed.

Mahiru looked up at him,with a strange look on his face,which made Kuro begin to panic.He knew fora fact Tsubaki was here a few moments ago,did he do something to Mahiru? "Kuro,Tsubaki was just here."The teen said in a whisper practically.Kuro walked towards him to make sure he was okay,as Misono now stood in the door way seeing that Mahiru appeared to be fine.:What did he do to you,he didn't hurt you did he?"Kuro asked.Mahiru stayed quiet for a few moments as he played the events over in his head trying to understand it himself.

What happened moments before Kuro came in.

"Well then.How boring.I guess there is no use in keeping you then."As Tsubaki said this Mahiru closed his eyes expecting the servamp to either strike him with the blade,or even bite him after all  being a subclass all he had to do was drink his blood now and it would break him.To his surprise he felt the metal of the blade pull away and Tsubaki spoke instead of attacking him.  "If you think you can stay with my brother and live your life then fine.I won't kill you because whether you  like it or not you are part of my family now.But don't be surprised if nii-san treats you differently.You are no longer human but a vampire,and not just any vampire but my subclass.Besides maybe it will be interesting to watch you try and live your life like this."The servamp said with a devilish smirk.

Mahiru stared at him admittedly confused.Tsubaki was not only sparing him,but basically giving him  his freedom.But at the same time he was worried that maybe Tsubaki was right.Kuro may view him differently,in a bad way. "If you ever feel like being with your own kind,don't hesitate to come back."Tsubaki added as he took fox form jumping out of the open window vanishing into the night.

Present time with Kuro and Misono.

Mahiru explained what happened and what Tsubaki said. Kuro was glad that Tsubaki wasn't going to try and force Mahiru to stay with him,and that he didn't kill him.But he was furious at everything his brother had done to Mahiru.He decided,it didn't matter that Mahiru was now a subclass.He still cared for him,and would stay by his side as a friend. "So what do we do now?" Mahiru asked softly,still unsure how to handle being a vampire. "We stick together.And if Tsubaki ever decides to change his mind about you...I'll correct him."Kuro answered.In the end perhaps being a vampire won't be too bad.He'll have Kuro by his side after all.

But one thing Mahiru was hoping for as well,was to find Sakuya and help him get away from Tsubaki.He wanted his friend to know he wasn't mad with him,he didn't blame him for this,and he definitely didn't hate him.Hopefully now having unlimited amount of time on his hands,he would be able to fix his relationship with Sakuya.And help the other servamps and their eves stop this vampire war.Even now,he still wanted to settle the conflict peacefully somehow.

(AN definite possibility of doing a sequel later on of Mahiru trying  to adjust to this new life,and reuniting with Sakuya.)

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