Sakuya,and his decision.

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Since Mahiru found himself with Tsubaki and the other subclass with no memories of his past,he noticed one particular subclass had been avoiding him at all costs.The brunette wondered if he and the one called Sakuya had a negative past history.But the idea that they might have hated each other in the past confused Mahiru since out of them all Sakuya seemed familiar in a friendly way.He felt that Sakuya was the only one he could truly trust.Odd considering they almost never spoke.He decided Sakuya must hate him,but didn't know why. He  wished they could just talk,and work out whatever issue that was between them.

It was true,Sakuya had been avoiding Mahiru.But it wasn't because he hated his old friend.He hated himself for being with Tsubaki,and not finding a way to have stopped Mahiru from becoming a subclass.He wanted the old Mahiru back,the outgoing friendly teen he knew.The one he became friends with.Not the subclass who listened to Tsubaki,who was quiet and kept to himself.Looking at Mahiru who had just came back with Belkia,Sakuya sighed.He knew what he had to do.He wanted Mahiru back to himself at all costs.He would bring the teen's memories back somehow.Even though he wasn't sure if he could even with his abilities since Mahiru was suffering from what Tsubaki put it as a form of permanent amnesia caused from trauma during his mortal death.

Sakuya wasn't worried what Tsubaki would do to him or Mahiru if his memories came back.Mahiru was now part of the family,and Tsubaki would never hurt one of his own even if they gave him reason to. He didn't even care if Mahiru ended up hating him for all eternity for not stopping this or helping him sooner.And considering that Mahiru was now a vampire,that wasn't impossible for the anger and pain of betrayal to last forever.No the only thing he was worried about aside from if it was possible to bring Mahiru's memories back was, how would he react to being a subclass?He now lost his mortal life,which meant he may not be able to hang with the people he use to.Chances are it would be hard if not impossible for him to be around his old friends such as Ryusei or Koyuki.He wouldn't even be able to be around his uncle.Unlike the other subclass including Sakuya,Mahiru had friends and people who cared about him when he was human.So losing him even like this would be hard on them.

But in the end Sakuya knew.It was better if Mahiru  remembered .That way he wouldn't mindlessly follow Tsubaki.He'd still be a subclass,and have to be with Tsubaki.But there was a chance he wouldn't follow the servamp as much as he would if he remained as he is now.

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