Chapter 12

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What is wrong with that guy?

No...Seriously? Why is he so involved in my life? Why does he seem to be everywhere? Why have I met him so many times? Why does he...Exist?

I take in a huge breath and just as quickly let it out in a huff.

I'm overreacting. That's got to be it.

I shouldn't be so mad at him. He did save me. And my little brother. But he doesn't have to be so...I don't know...

I just shouldn't be treated like some sort of damsel in distress. I think that's what's got me so mad. Call me a feminist or whatever you want, but if he really is a womanizer like everyone says he is, I don't want to be the brunt of whatever his plan is.

Take the shit for the girl to get her into the same bed? What?

I shake my head. Totally overreacting. Alex isn't that type of guy, and why exactly am I so mad at him?

...What day of the month is it?...

Is it-No. That's not for a whole other week. But then...What's the cause of all this anger? Surely it isn't healthy for me to harbor such venom and irritation at one guy? What do I have against him? What does he have against me?

This isn't good. This...Hatred. I should reserve it for people like the president, and world hunger, and poverty and the president, and rotten bananas, and expired foods and...Oh yeah...The president.

I purse my lips and flop down onto the covers of my bed. My pillow folds under my weight, and I weakly shift my crouched position to stare at my bed side table.

A thumping sound issues from outside my door, and I can hear Ethan whimper in pain and then a dull rolling sound. Yvonne walks out of her bedroom and I can hear her gasp. I imagine her rolling her eyes and crossing her arms in exasperation.

"Those damn marbles! You've lost them haven't you? You know how HARD it is to clean those up? I STILL have to find random pieces bouncing around all over the floors, oh...WHY couldn't you be like a normal kid and stay holed up in your room playing video games? At least THEN we wouldn't have this problem! How come-"

I sigh and sit up in bed. If anyone's lost their marbles here, it's Yvonne.

"Stop arguing you guys, it's giving me a head ache."

I bring the palm of my hand up to my forehead and my fingers graze the bandage still attached there. It catches onto wisps of my hair that I have to keep ripping out.

Yvonne slips into my room. Her hair contrasts the pink walls that border my closet, but match perfectly with her personality. She's a bitch...But a sweet one. Well, when she wants to be.

I let out another huge breath and hesitantly get to my feet.

"Ethan, just leave the marbles. We'll clean them up as we find them. And you-"

I look at Yvonne with narrowed eyes. "It's not like you care. You're always in your room. Stop going off on him."

Yvonne sighs and her expression changes. She drops down into a chair and nods.

"Yeah, right...I've just been moody these past couple days."


Maybe it's her time of the month.

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