Chapter 24

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I collapse onto my feathery pillow and turn over on my side, staring up at the ceiling through cracked eyelids. My body feels weak and exhausted, and even after the amazing evening Alex gave me, my mind is still racked over with worry about my friends.

Quinn, for the most part, seems to be taking things in stride. According to Mason, she's spending all her time with friends that don't overlap with our social circles. I think she's completely cut Mason out of her life.

On the one hand, I'm truly sorry. She was by all standards a good girlfriend. I always thought she was a bit clingy, but she really did love Mason. And it seemed like he loved her back. Their relationship wasn't toxic and they seemed really happy.

I've always suspected Charity had feelings for Mason. Even back when we were kids, I almost felt like a third wheeler while they were cracking easy jokes and teasing each other over bowls of food and scary movies.

Charity never made her feelings clear, and I think it's such a shame. They would have made a good couple but there was some obvious lack of communication and that didn't have to ruin a happy relationship.

Several happy relationships, I think sourly.

But then again...It was Mason who kissed Charity...

I groan and bang a fist against my forehead. Maybe I should take Alex's advice and stop torturing myself over this. I should just do what any good friend would do and listen. 

When I come to this realization, I turn my head and spot my phone perched on the edge of my bedside table. I grab it and quickly pull myself up to a seated position, dialing Charity's number with one hand and using the other to brush back my annoyingly large mane of unreasonable hair.

The ringer goes off and I lean against my head-board, closing my eyes and waiting for her voice to sound in my ear.

"Hey, April."

I snap my eyes open and clutch my phone with both hands.

"Hey! How are you?"

Her voice is cracked and she sounds even more worn out than I am. That's really saying something.

"I'm as good as can be."

Her tone is clipped and drawn, but her next words hold a note of the Charity I know and love.

"Oh, and I almost forgot...How did that date with Alex go?"

I laugh and shake my head, repositioning myself on my bed. "It wasn't a date. We just went out for milkshakes and it's not like anything happened."

Charity let out a long breath on the line. "I don't know much about him. But if whatever Quinn said was even a little bit true, maybe you should hold your distance."

 I notice her mention of Quinn and hold my breath. Her voice cracks a little as she realizes her blunder, but she pretends not to notice, and for that neither do I. Instead I continue the conversation like nothing happened.

"Well, the more I get to know him, and considering all that he's done for me right now...I don't believe a word of it. There must be a reason he's chosen to keep things under wraps, and so for now all the rumors about him are just that. Rumors. I won't believe a word of it."

I can almost feel Charity rolling her eyes. "And were they just 'rumors' when we heard all that shit about that girl from Glen Wood High?"

 I callously inspect my nails and remember that bit of outside tea from the nearby high school. Something about a girl, Oaklyn, I think her name was, sleeping around with the football team. I flap my hair away from my face and press the phone against my ear to respond.

"Yes. They were. Because who was your source of information? That Paige chick. And she's been known to let some nasty, completely untrue rumors fly around the area. For all we know, that girl was just some unfortunate soul who had crossed her. Wouldn't be the first time."

Charity scoffs. "Okay, well this time we had some better sources. It wasn't a stranger this time or another school. It's on Roosevelt property!"

"Our own rumour mill isn't that much better."

"Okay, April. If you're so keen to discredit the truth..."

I sigh and brush another wave of hair away from my face. I should have known Charity wouldn't understand. Of course, she'd want the juicy details but she would always be wary of him. I can't blame her. She's only looking out for me, and with the way he's been behaving in front of my friends...It makes perfect sense.

We talk for a while about school and the teachers we hate, comparing our schedules for the unpteenth time and telling the other that they are better off before that one inevitable topic comes up.

"I don't know what to do April," Charity confides, sniffling over the line. "It's just, I liked him, okay? And I guess I always thought he had a thing for me too and I felt betrayed when he got together with Quinn. But then he kissed me and she showed up and everything is a mess!"

I pause for a bit, pondering over what response to give her. I recall Alex's advice to be a good listener and a shoulder for my friends to lean on. I let out a short breath and open my mouth to speak.

"I don't think you did anything wrong in confessing your feelings, even if it was a forced confession. Bottling something like that up? It was bound to break through and spill. It was Mason's desicion to respond in whatever way he saw fit, and if he kissed you? I think it meant something."

Charity goes silent for a full minute thinking over my words. "But then what about Quinn? Where does she stand in all of this?"

"Quinn? Well, she was Mason's girlfriend. She must have loved him as well. It's only natural that she's hurt."

"And I feel terrible about it. It's my fault. If I had kept my mouth shut..."

"It's not on you. It's on Mason for making the first move. I suggest you guys talk it out. You can't just avoid each other for the rest of the year."

"Watch me."

I laugh and throw my head back. "I know you're perfectly capable of it. But I don't thinl that's what you want either."

I can hear her resignation over the line. "You're right."

"Of course I'm right. I can't remember a time I was ever wrong."

But that's a lie. I can remember plenty of times I've been wrong, and they are all involved in my encounters with one Alexander Valdez.

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