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I'm not afraid of falling. I am afraid of hitting the ground. I'm afraid of the difference between a scraped knee and shattered limb if I fall just the right way.

I'm not afraid of the dark. But I do fear what might lurk in the inky black curtains it brings. Predators or creatures cloaked perfectly into the sucking darkness, whether or not I will become their prey.

Monsters do not scare me, but if I cannot tell you their intention with certainty then I will shrink away in terror.

Fear in its purest state is not being terrified of an idea or object, but the uncertainty that they possess with them. Being unconsious of risk, not being able to prepare for it, is the true nature of fear.

A million terrors reduced to one simple fear. We, as humans, fear what is uncertain. An unavoidable, perisitent fear that fuels our survival and instinct.

To be fearless, is to know everything for certain. And thus, to be fearless is impossible. But to craft fear into a means of innovation and hope is what truly makes one an heir to the success of society.

Fear is that of the unknown. Success is to pursue and understand more of that unknown.

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