Just Swim

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"You're not drowning! Just swim!"

Do you think I'm not trying? That I like the feeling of being swallowed up in cold, damp, dark? That I like the feeling of my lungs filling with water when I'm craving air? I don't want to drown! But I can't help the fact I can't swim!

Water is spilling out of my throat when I try to scream for help! My limbs keep getting heavier and heavier as I keep getting pulled down into this hellish nightmare. I want to hope that someone will save me but when I reach up to the water, when my fingertips escape the wet grasp and flail in the air for help, no one is there to catch me.

I can't escape on my own, but how am I supposed to now! You don't believe me when I say it's not a phase. You don't hear me when I'm choking underwater. You shrug it off when I'm obviously lying, telling you those cuts are just scratches because 'my dogs got rowdy.' You squint at my body as its sucked into dark, deep ends of water, waiting until I'm out of sight to feign about how much of a tragedy I was! To gawk at my loss and coo and cry like you wanted to help me!

You didn't even try!

You didn't even try...

I did everything right. I told someone I wasn't okay. I trusted you. And you didn't even try...

"You're depressed? Well just lighten up!"

Odd Thoughts: A Collection of Quick ReadsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum