11- I'm Fine

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*Pidge complaining that she's fine*

|Word count- 3430

Warnings- Mild swearing, mild injury, cring-y fight scene writing

*time skip to season 4 brought to you by me, who has absolutely fucked up this story's schedule*

A lot had happened in the span of you and Will joining the Paladins and the Alteans, Allura, and Coran, against the fight with the Galra Empire. You had been on two missions so far, all ending successful; well, as successful as they could. Will had matured in a physical matter but was still as playful and childish as he always, while you matured mentally and not physically. But all in all, you had both changed and your boring lifestyle had disappeared and had been replaced with a more interesting, yet hectic one.

Each person had warmed up to you, all in their own ways, and Will was getting along just fine, but wasn't such a big fan of his fellow Alteans on board; which was a mystery to you all. You had improved greatly with your shooting skills, with the help of Lance, who is a joy to be with, and Will was somewhat skilled in the art of hand to hand combat thanks to Shiro and Keith's assistance.

You were very accustomed to your ways of life now, yet, you felt a bit useless at times. You didn't have a lion or powers or some sort of ship, and that made you feel, well, useless. You would ignore the feeling and go about your day, but it was still there, gnawing at you from the pit you tried to shove it into.

That all was going to shift soon, you just didn't know it, yet.


You rushed across the main deck, Coran yelling order after order as you scrambled to get everything done or everything he needed.

"Shit, shit, shit..." you whispered under your breath as you jumped over the sleeping mouse on the ground in front of you. Tripping over the small ledge, you hiss in pain as your knees hit the metal floor.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Coran asks, looking away from his task and to you as you push yourself up.

"Yeah! Just tripped is all," you spoke quickly, resuming your dash to the box located next to one of the paladins chairs. Shiro stood a few feet away from Coran and watched you rush around, eyebrow raised. You kneeled in front of the box and scoured through the unknown tools before turning back to Coran.

"What exactly am I looking for!?" you howled over the oncoming commotion in the galaxy before you. Coran didn't look up from his work but yelled from his position, some words being muffled into his dashboard. "The small white and blue microphone that connects to your head!"

"So, a headset?"

"Yes, a headset." He sounded like he had never said the word before, let alone heard of it. You took things out and put things back and found the object near the bottom. Grabbing it and pushing off the ground and fast walking over to Coran, you hold it out on your palm.

He looks at you expectingly and you look at him in confusion."Now, put in on," he instructs. At first, you thought he was talking with the paladins, but realized he was talking to you.

"What?" you ask, disbelief in your tone.

"He said to put it on," Shiro speaks, annoyance practically dripping from his words. You turned his direction with a glare, proceeded to spit out a, "I'm not deaf,' and then a muttered, "jackass," followed.

Shiro wasn't himself lately, and you could tell. His outfit was one thing, but when he had got into a disagreement with you and had yelled a final, "Enough!" to shut you up, you knew he wasn't himself. And thus, quite a bit of hatred formed between you two.

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