Author's note (2018)

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Heyyoo it's me Jocey!!

Okay.. Yes I know you want more chapters in this book, and yes I must. Update this book A.S.A.P. But I don't want to make a bad face on this. But this account is kinda dead. But don't worry guys I made a new account, by the moment I am writing a horror book in my new account. This is my first time writing a horror book, but I will try my best on it. But don't worry. I will check for corrections this time. The book I'm writing is like a anime fairytale twist horror story. If you guys would like to read it. My new username is called ladynightvale.

I am so sorry that I have to stop writing this book. But hey! If I have some time I can rewrite the old book and make them better.

Gotta go! See you guys!!~ (Jocelyn)

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