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How art thou?

I see you stumbled across my book there.
(Don't know why though.)
This is just gonna be a random book about me and the stupid sh*t I do/say.
This will also show book ideas and stories that I may or may not finnish.
And in general relatable and random very day stuff.
I hope you have a good laugh at my stupidity.
And other randomness 💩.

But first some basic rules:
*Groans and Moans*

Yes I know, but this is just so that you and me know our boundaries and to make sure no one gets hurt.

1.  All the people who are mentioned are real but they're names will be changed, just because it feels right.

2. This book is not to offend anyone one or anything.

3. Please respect yourself and me(self)... to not be rude.

4. Have fun and laugh... (Hopefully)

J AT Where stories live. Discover now