Sliver day

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Well Yello. You actually made it this far, respect man (or lady).

Basically the this is a story my stupid brain imagined when I was waiting for my exam to start (that study period- who actually studies in that time anyways?).

*Awkward silence*

~One day I'll be funny. I promise, just bare with me for a little longer~

It's about a girl named Flora Rayne Robert who is 16 years old, and like a week after she was born she started to die. She was saved by a very special ghost named Lilac (can't remember her surname). Who died at the age of 17 by a car crash, she become a ghost for some reason, this was the same day the Flora was in hospital.

But before Lilac passed on she was a part of a rich family. They were not rich in money but rather in powers. This made her family scary. Because of her family's reputation Lilac was unable to make friends.

Lilac couldn't watch as the child died so she jumped into  Flora's body and was the reason Flora started being fine again, but with out realising it she jumped out of Flora and she started to die once again.

Lilac made a personal connect to Flora when she jump back into her body. They lived like this where only Flora could see her ghost, but later she gets accept to the famous high school, called Featherwood, which is a boarding school for both girls and boys.

There she would meet Liam, William, Vincent and Joshua. -Vincent being the only bad guy amongst the 4 boy. - The four boys work for an organisation -the same organisation that got Flora accept to Featherwood-  that is trying to protect Flora until they make a machine that can get Lilac out of Flora's body without killing either of them.

And that basically where I've got in writing it. As soon as I find the original I'll write it for you guys to read.

Please let me know if this is something that you guys/ladies would like to read.

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