A thing

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The clock ticks in the silence of the room and everything is still. My eyes set forward and my mind focused until you, Ron Williams, walked forward to me and held me in your arms. The room grew less and less silent as my eyes started to open to the sounds of loud teenagers talking about topics I could not relate to.

"Crystal?" Hearing my name out come out of his mouth made me quiver in delight.


"You have to do your presentation now.."

Fear hit right at my heart and sweat ran down my face. What was I going to do? My presentation was absent and I wished I was too.

"Miss Jonas? Are you ready to do your presentation?" I looked up at Sir and gave him a weak smile before moving to the front of my classroom.
"Good morning Sir and fellow students. Today I'll be talking about..." The end of the school bell ring and Sir rolled his eyes in disappointment while my heart jumped is absolute joy.

"Will pick this up tomorrow. Good day." A sigh of relief escaped my lips and a weight was lifted off my chest- for a sum of a second.

"Crystal, come here please." Sir said.

"I'll meet you at the water fountain behind the school." I said quickly to Ron before turning around and giving sir the same weak smile.

"Is my class really that boring to you?"

"Um, no sir. I just didn't get any sleep last night."

"Is it because of your parents?" Sir stood up and put his hand on my shoulder. It was reassuring but I lied anyways.

"No, Sir. It was the project. I stay up late so that I could finish it but then forgot it at home." This is my common lie when it comes to this teacher. Even if my project was done the same week I got it he'll never know.

"Fine, fine. If you say it was the project then so be it." He said giving my shoulder one last tight squeeze before letting go and walking out of the room. He stopped at the door...

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