School Standards.

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It's hard to say what's on people's mind or words they want to say but don't. Though imagine you could hear the thoughts of others- hear what people truly have to say. Unfortunately for seventeen-year-old Aurora White she was cursed with this power but she wasn't the only one as there is hundreds others who shared this curse. She and seven others lived in the house of Titan which is apart of the boarding school for the "gift" or at least that was the brainwash term in Aurora's eyes, "gifted".

Reading Minds, Invisibly, Teleportation, Telekinesis, Super Strength, Super Speed, Fire and (finally) Water. These eight superheroes will have to fight for their freedom and rights while trying to find who they are and keep up will their grades.

- School Standard.

(Side note... The story description is still a work in progress but let me know if you guys like it.)

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