Wait | Adu

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I've always been waiting,
Sitting alone at the corner of mcd,
Sipping my ice coke, eating my mcflurry,
And i still wait for that body to emerge,
From the glimpse of that hallway,
So that i can talk to share my thoughts,
So that i can see your beautiful cute face,
To see your smile is all i ask,
But still i wait.

The time ticks away each moment goes,
I walk around alone while others hold hands,
Laughing with joy, others to hear,
To laugh with is all i ask,
Because others i ask to come they refuse,
They denied saying such lies,
While status and stories filled with laughter,
Other people besides me at that corner,
But still i wait.

I went back home,
Hoping for assurances,
To talk to my family so that i can smile,
At least their voice can assure i'm occupied,
But i still wait for the car to arrive,
A text appered to request grab for a ride,
Arrived home with emptiness filled the corridors,
I forgot,
They are busy to fill our pockets with money,
They are busy to fill their time with the family company,
But still i wait.

What have i've been waiting for?
Attention or is it love that have not been given,
My childhood was a mess, full of disaster,
Occupied with maths solution and grammatical error,
There was never anyone around,
I've never felt a partner's love firsthand as i've always been turned down,
Due to my body figure and flaws,
I've never felt a friend, a person to express all,
Due to always been stabbed and used for my wealth,
I've never felt a family,
Parents to express like friends but respected like adults,
Never around to be, i think i'll be better as me,
As me alone, and forever alone,
If all these are just overthinking thoughts, from my overwhelming head,
Tell me differently, ask me subtlety, be there for me,
Because i wait for things to be better for me.

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