I think i'm in love with you | Adu

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I think i'm in love with you,
Am i being bold?
The boldness in my words,
That slipped through my lips,
Just made it all come true.

You are everything i want,
A place to feel safe and secure,
To make myself feel like home,
Even to make sure you're not alone.

You are everything i feel about,
Making me asure and restless,
Knowing you're all by yourself,
Without me in your arms i feel less.

You are everything i see,
Your sweet curvy smile,
With those deadly cheeks,
Making me happy with your sweet needs.

I already have everything i wanted,
And not a single thing to feel unsure,
At first I thought i was a mistake,
You say i never wanted you off my lips.

It maybe still a long far road ahead,
But let me make you assured,
I'll always be there,
And will always care.

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