A Nobody | Adu

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I'm just a nobody to anyone,
Even for how much love that I have gave to someone,
It won't return back with that much,
Sometimes it won't even come back from that bunch.

It's harsh, isn't it? Asking to be loved back,
I'm always going to be stones away,
And no one would even bother to stay,
All will move away, further into the astray.

I'm never loved,
I'm always used,
I'm happy to be used, at least a pleasing feeling when I can function,
But being left out and never welcomed,
A feeling when I know i'm only a tool.

I always make the hard decisions,
I always have to go through it all,
Until I memorised each road and pebble,
That it takes to come to yours,
But mine?
Not even a question asked, not even a glance.

I'm just a nobody with thousands of friends,
Friends who laughed at my jokes,
Friends who mocked at my sins,
Friends who act like saints.

Let me rephrase,
I'm just a nobody with thousands of fake friends.

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