Chapter 5

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Leo Lion's POVI sat with the angels, munching on my shrimp salad

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Leo Lion's POV
I sat with the angels, munching on my shrimp salad. I gave Ni's hand a squeeze. "What's wrong?" I asked. Ni shook his head. "Nothing. Just felt deja vu." Ni replied.

I smiled softly and kissed him. "Guys...can you save this stuff for later?" Virgo asked, looking like he was about to throw up.

"Oh, hush. I saw you looking at one of the other angels." I said. Virgo huffed. "You were looking at her with this look in your eye-." Ni interrupted. "What did she look like, Leo?" He asked, playing with his food.

"Like, purple eyes and silver hair. Why?" I asked. Ni smiled at me, and was about to speak. "What do you mean?! I don't remember ever doing su-." Virgo kept yelling, but a voice came over the speakers.

"Attention, lunch is now over! Class A, Your next class is Potions. Class B, your next class is...." A girl's voice droned on. I put my plate in the dispenser and went to the next class. I sat down in the 5th seat, and watched the desk intently.

I heard a man cackling, as he fell from the ceiling. "I, Tartarus, am here!" He said. My eyes widened; Tartarus had fathered giants that'd almost destroyed the world...but not nearly as bad as the Titans. "Now, I'll hand out books to help you with the potions." Tartarus said, as books landed on our desks.

"The people who successfully make a Saturni Dente Relictam Daemonium Potion will pass. Those who don't..." He picked up an empty glass vial that shriveled up into dust by his touch. "Fail." He beamed. "Now, get working!"

Put a Drakon Scale in boiling water; let it boil for 12 minutes. Add Lizard blood, 2 Demon fangs, and a eagle's feather. Stir until  it turns a shade of wine. Place a raven, crow, and angel/demon hybrid feather in. Let rest for 20 minutes until a shade of obsidian.

I blinked at the book, and hurried to the cabinet, glancing back at my book. I went back to my station after getting the supplies and dropped a drakon scale in. "Oh, one more thing. You aren't allowed to go back to the cabinet; if you mess up, you fail." Tartarus said. My eyes widened, then narrowed as I focused on stirring the potion.

I looked at my book, smiling. I waited 12 minutes, added the other ingredients, and was confused when I was met with a light blue liquid. "Oh, it seems you forgot to boil the water. Disappointing. Leo Lion, you fail this assignment." Tartarus said. I stared at my vials in horror. Tartarus snapped his fingers, and everything from my table disappeared. I harrumphed, and sat, my face red.

 I harrumphed, and sat, my face red

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I walked to my dorm, sitting down. Aquila and Triangulum (Sagittarius) were talking, and turned to look at me. "Why aren't you getting ready? There's a party in the courtyard tonight." Aquila said.

Right on cue, Scutum opened the door, followed by Andromeda. "Wow, how did Andromeda finish before us?" Sagittarius asked, snickering. Scutum beckoned her out, and I was left alone in the dorm. I cleared my thoughts and went to the courtyard, met by Ni.

"Leo! You arrived! Sorry for the late notice." Ni said sheepishly as he kissed me. I looked at the corner of my eye to see an angel drop her plate and run away. The other demons followed her.

I shrugged it off, and focused on me and Ni's kiss, our lips moving in sync. Scutum approached Ni and growled; we broke apart. "You need something?" Ni asked.

Gem turned into a demon; the left corner of her mouth covered in blood. "You IDIOT!" She snarled, baring her fangs, as she smacked Ni.

"What was that for?" He asked, glaring at her. I placed my hand in his and he gripped my hand tightly. "For...everything! You're such a pathetic excuse for an angel." Gem hissed, a hurricane surrounding her. Aries, Scorpio, and Sagittarius approached us too, all in their demon forms. They all were about to attack, before Virgo put up a giant ice wall.

"He didn't do anything wrong! Why are you attacking him?!" Virgo asked. "Why don't you ask him, Icicle Boy?" Aries hissed, the wall now a puddle of water. I looked at Ni, waiting for an explanation.

Ni's eyes dawned with understanding. "It's all coming back! Aries, Taurus, Gem, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius...I thought she'd know that I moved on after I left!" Ni protested.

"Well, she's hurt, and it's all your fault." Sagittarius spat. Scorpio scanned the clearing; covered in a white aura. "Mark my words, you angels will regret doing this." She said quietly in a dangerous voice. Ni's face paled, but Aquarius stepped forward. "How about...we go back to back our dorms?" He asked. I nodded quickly, rushing to my room.

I waited outside Ni's dorm, glaring. "You have some explaining to do." I said, trying to keep my cool. "Look, Leo, I'm sorry. Libra used to...we used to be in a relationship. When I left to go to Heaven I never formally broke up with her. She's known around Hell for breaking hearts, and everyone was surprised that Libra stayed in a dedicated relationship for 3 months." Ni said, looking tired and angry.

I nodded, hugging him. "I just want you to know, I'm always here if you need to talk." I murmured in his shoulder. He nodded, as we parted ways for the night.
Word Count: 928 words

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