Chapter 6

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Fuyuhiko slowly opened his eyes with a yawn. He was surprised that he was asleep, he usually never got any sleep.

When he fully opened his eyes. He saw he was on the couch. He was sitting upright, Hajimes head was right next to his lap, Nagito was also sitting upright and Chiaki was halfway off the couch.

Fuyuhiko got up and was somehow not hurting from his sleeping position. He sighed and decided to make pancakes for when everyone woke up.

Hajime groaned and wine up just as Fuyuhiko wanted to enter the kitchen.
Fuyuhiko looked over to the green eyed boy as he sat up. Hajimes hair was messy and sticking up randomly.

"Mornin'" Fuyuhiko hummed. Hajime looked up confused and saw Fuyuhiko in the kitchen.

"Oh, good morning." Hajime yawned rubbing his eyes. Fuyuhiko just hummed and dug into the pantry.

"Do you know if your friends like pancakes and eggs?" Fuyuhiko asked glancing at Hajime.

"Yeah, both of them love pancakes, Chiaki likes eggs any way and Nagito loves eggs over easy." Hajime told. Fuyuhiko started taking out eggs and things to make pancake batter.

"What about you?" Fuyuhiko asked grabbing out a bowl and something to mix the ingredients.

"I'm like Chiaki, I love pancakes and will eat eggs any way they're cooked." Hajime answered with a tired smile.

Fuyuhiko was already mixing batter and getting out plates and turning on the stove with pan on it.

He had a happy gleam in his eyes as he poured some of the batter onto it. He made all of the pancakes, putting them on the plates and also made all of the eggs. They were all fried eggs because he was to tired to put in the effort to make different types of eggs.

Hummed and put the plate at the bar in between the kitchen and living room. He took out silverware and put it next to the plates. He heard a feminine yawn and looked over to the waking up Chiaki. Her waking up also woke up Nagito.  Chiaki looked up and saw the pancakes, Hajime and Fuyuhiko sitting at the bar.

Chiaki smiled and pulled up Nagito from his position. She walked up and say in the chair next to Hajime, and Nagito sat in the last fourth chair.

"Eat up." Fuyuhiko hummed taking a sip of coffee. He was way to tired to be shy. Nagito immediately started eating along with Chiaki. Hajime gave a small laugh and started eating. Fuyuhiko continued eating as well.

After eating everyone put their dishes in the sink. Nagito and Chiaki left, saying goodbye to their friend and new acquaintance. Hajime said goodbye when Fuyuhiko just waved.

They went back into the dorm and stood in awkward silence. It was a moment Fuyuhiko hated. He hated awkward moments that triggered his anxiety.

"So... wanna hang out?" Hajime asked. Fuyuhiko was thankful for the break i of silence.

"Um...sure.."Fuyuhiko muttered, wondering what they were going to do.
Fuyuhiko never really hung out with anyone he wasn't close to.

"Where do you wanna go?" Hajime asked, eyes lighting up at the chance to hang out with Fuyuhiko. Fuyuhiko hummed.

"Don't you know any place?" The short blonde asked. Hajime shook his head.

"I haven't had any chance to explore the campus yet. But I bet you did yesterday, right?" Hajime hummed. It was true, Fuyuhiko did see many places it could be possible to hang out at.
But the place he couldn't get out of his mind, the home like cafe, kept sparking more of his interest.

"I found this cafe... it's really nice. Um... maybe we could go there or somethin'..." Fuyuhiko requested nervously. Hajime smiled and nodded.

He and Fuyuhiko grabbed their dorm keys and silently decided to walk. They walked out and Hajime decided to break the silence.

"So is this place where you got the cup of whatever you were drinking last night?" Hajime asked glancing at Fuyuhiko.

"Ah, yeah. It was a Orange flavored tea. It was really good." Fuyuhiko said with a kind tone. The blondes eyes showed a happy gleam when he could faintly smell the aroma that drove him there in the first place.

"There it is!" Fuyuhiko hummed excitedly. Hajime suddenly smelled the same scent that somehow managed to remind him of home.

Hajime looked at the nice Cafe. It was beautiful and home like. There weren't many people there, but the few there seemed to be having a nice time, even the employees seemed happy.

They went inside the nice cafe and peeked at the menus of drinks pastries and other food items. The man taking the orders had green hair, purple, almost red eyes and tan skin. He had a faint smile on as he was fondly gazing at another man with white hair and violet eyes.

Fuyuhiko and Hajime walked up to the counter and approached the man who by his name tag was Juzo.

"Hello welcome to the Sakakata Cafe, what would you like today?" The man Juzo asked still sending a gaze to the white haired male.

"I would like the Carmel latte..." Fuyuhiko said and looked up to Hajime.

"And I would like the Turkish coffee. And could I also get a peanut butter cookie and a brownie?" Hajime hummed. Juzo nodded and smiled at them before giving a piece of paper to the white haired male. Fuyuhiko and Hajime payed and went to sit down, waiting for their order.

Their orders were called and they grabbed their coffees and sweets.
Hajime smiled at Fuyuhiko.

"Hey Fuyuhiko, which one do you want, peanut butter cookie or brownie?" Hajime asked. Fuyuhiko looked at him with surprise as they sat down in their seats.

"I thought they were for you.." Fuyuhiko said. Hajime shook his head

"You decide..." Fuyuhiko hummed taking out something.

"Here, have the brownie." Hajime hummed. Fuyuhiko had the peanut butter cookie yesterday, so he was thankful to try something new.

Fuyuhiko grabbed a water bottle and took a gulp of it before putting it away. Hajime looked at him in confusion and Fuyuhiko just blushed.
He was lactose intolerant so to have anything with a high concentration of milk in it like chocolate or coffee with creamer he had to have lactate. Lactate was in his water, so he normally just carried a water bottle around.

Fuyuhiko began eating the brownie and drinking the coffee. A small smile tugged on his lips. It was barely noticeable, but to Hajime it was noticeable. He had never seen the short boy smile, and oh was it wonderful to see it now, even it was barely there.

It looked nice on him.

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