Happy Father's Day! [Toxic One Shot]

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Hiii okay omg first of all, thank you so much to heskindastraight for writing this one shot!

The characters in this one shot connects with her fanfiction, Toxic, but has *no* connection to the actual story itself! Only the characters and back story are the same.

If you haven't already, I highly suggest reading her story "Toxic" because it's so so sooo good and I've teared up irl multiple times and I just love it so much!! She has other amazing stories as well so just go check her out!

Anywho, I hope you enjoy! (:


I woke to small kisses on my neck and cheek and knew it was Marlene trying to wake me up. She was always so cautious when doing this considering how many times I've woken up scared. This morning, on the other hand, was a good morning. Today was fathers day, and as I began feeling little hands on my cheeks and small slobbery kisses, I knew Oliver was in bed with us.

"Daddy wake up." Marlene whispered. "Say wake up daddy."

"Wake up daddy." I slowly opened my eyes and felt so happy and full of love. "Morning!" he cheered kissing my nose.

I lifted him up, causing a giggle to escape his mouth. He was almost two now and it was crazy how much time had gone by since I first held him in my arms. In my life I had come to realise that I was made to be a dad. I had hoped that I was doing well and that my happy bouncing boy was my proof of that.

Marlene smiled big and leaned in to press her lips to mine. "Happy fathers day, we made you breakfast." I sat up and was greeted with some eggs, baccon, a fresh baked muffin and a cup of my wife's famous hot chocolate.

"All for me?" she nodded but Ollie was quick to take the muffin from my plate and bite into it. "Ollie, its daddy's day so give me my muffin." he giggled handing it back to me and leaning in to hug me tightly.

"Ollie who's the bestest daddy in the whole wide world?" in his cute footsie pajamas he stood up on the bed to hug me.

"Daddy!" he hugged me making my heart swell. This was the reason for my hard work and dedication.


After breakfast it was time to do some of my favorite activities, spending quality time outside. I laid out a blanket and some toys for Ollie to play with while Marlene let me rest my head on her lap. She gently played with my hair and i couldn't help but feel that familiar feeling of my happiness coursing through my heart. "I love you."

She giggled and kissed my forehead. "I love you more." she moved from under me and told me to wait a minute before going inside. When she came back out she held a small rectangular box, big enough for a watch. "Happy fathers day."

I chuckled carefully opening the box and gasping at what was inside. Under the small amount of tissue paper was a pregnancy test.

A positive pregnancy test.

"Princess! No way!" she had tears in her eyes and nodded quickly as I held her tight. "We're going to have a baby."

"Yeah, another cutie like Ollie." she held her stomach and I couldn't help but lean down and press my lips to where my baby was slowly growing inside of her.

This truly was the best fathers day I will ever have.


Again, thank you so so much heskindastraight for writing this for me and letting me post it in this book! I cried happy tears reading this 💕💖💕💓💝💘💞

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