Chapter 1

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"You will meet them soon enough, don't worry." My brother Ashton says to me.

I fix my shirt, that has the band 'All Time Low' printed across the front of the black tee.

I look down at my black skinny jeans and combat boots.

I check my dyed black hair one more time before looking back on the road.

"You look fine, Fenix, you don't have to worry." Ash reassures me.

"I know I don't have to worry, but I'm meeting your friends, and I feel self/conscious." I reply, looking at myself in the mirror one more time.

I didn't know what I was signing up for, but Ashton agreed to let me meet his friends that he is sorta in a band with. He's been with them for about a year now, and he always talks about them, but I've never met them before.

I look back to the road.

Even though I wasn't driving, I had to make sure my older brother followed the rules of the road. Sometimes he liked to stop paying attention, and he could get us killed.

I'm usually not like that. I normally don't care if you follow rules or not.

But, when it comes to cars and car crashes, I get a little jumpy.

See, when I was four years old, my parents went out of town to visit some family members, and left me with my grandma.

They didn't come back.

A head-on collision with a black Chevy.

So, after that, I got sent to friends of the family since my grandmother wanted nothing to do with me.

My family friends, just happened to be Ashton's mum.

She legally adopted me, and took me into her small family of four.

Ashton, Lauren, and Harry, and of course, Mumma Irwin herself.

Ever since then, I've lived with them, considering I am now their adopted sister.

But they treat me like their own.

"Hey Fenix, we are here." Ash says, pulling up into the parking lot of a pizza place.

"Why are we at Pizza Inn?" I ask.

"Because why not?" He retorts, getting out of the car.

"Ash, are we seriously meeting them here?" I ask him.

He nods and starts walking up to the door.

I follow behind him, sliding in before the door closes completely.

Ashton waves his hand up, and walks over to a group of three boys sitting down in a booth, basically goofing off.

"Hey guys, this is my sister, Fenix." Ashton introduces me.

One by one their heads turn to me, and they all smile politely.

"Calum. And no, I'm not Asian." The dark brown/black haired one smiles at me.

The blonde one next to him smiles as well. "Luke. And I'm a penguin."

I smile back at the comment.

The last one, with dirty blonde hair that hung in his face looked up at me. "Michael. And if I have to add something, I guess I'll say, I love pizza, and that's why we are here. And also, I love your shirt."

"There's the answer to your question Fenix." Ashton says.

I've always been awkward at meeting new people, so I didn't know what else to do but smile.

Ashton motions me to slide in, and I do, sitting across from Michael, with Ash sitting next to me.

"So, let's get this started." Ash starts talking about the band, and I tune everything out, basically just observing the three new boys in front of me. Subtly.

A girl in her twenties comes up and asks for our drink order.

"Dr. Pepper." Michael says.

"Sprite, cause I'm feeling fizzzzyy." Luke says.

"Dr. Pepper too." Calum tells the lady.

"Same." Ash remarks.

"Lemonaaadde." I say.

"Way to be different Fenix. No soda for you." Calum jokes.

"I don't want any of your soda anyways. It has your cuddly germs on it." I shoot back.

I don't know why, but I felt comfortable with these boys. They were funny and quaint.

"Someone made a new friend." Luke shrugs Calum in the shoulder.

"You know what Luke? Why don't you waddle your penguin ass out of here?" Calum pretends to be starting a fight.

"I would, but your bare ass is blocking my way." Luke grins.

I don't know what that was supposed to mean, but apparently, from the look on all of their faces, that was a good comeback.

"Okay, so, back to the band stuff." Ashton brings up again.

They start talking again, and after a few minutes the lady brings us our drinks, only to ask is what we wanted to eat.

Me and Michael both said 'Hawaiian' pizza, while Ashton chose 'cheese' and Luke and Calum were sharing a 'hamburger', cause they could.

When we were all done, Ashton got up, indicating that we had to get back home.

"One more thing boys. Come with me." Ashton motions over a few feet away.

I know I'm not supposed to hear it, but I can't help it, I love to eavesdrop.

I have to strain my ears, but I can hear it.

"Do me one favor and none of you fall for my sister. Okay? You guys are my mates, and that would be wrong and weird. And I would kill you." Ashton warns.

I blush and smirk, making some weird noise out of my mouth, with I quickly try to cover up, but fail, causing all of the boys to look over at me.

Well that was subtle.

What He Doesn't Know Might Kill HimOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant